BONUS: Plan B of the Climax in Albert vs. Milverton

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Remember the part when Milverton and his brute henchmen strangled Ella to force Albert to choose? Now ALLOW ME TO SHARE THE OTHER ALTERNATIVE THAT MY BRAIN SPURTED OUT WHILE I WAS GAZING AT A TRAIL OF ANTS.


The moment when Albert confronted Milverton and Ella was brought out (still in binds), Milverton decided to let her go. Both were shocked at his sudden declaration even his brute henchmen. Albert was skeptical about Milverton's plan 'cause truly there must be a hidden agenda.

Milverton commanded to unbind Ella, and his assistant followed what he said - despite the efforts given to make sure those binds don't ever come loose again.

Suddenly, Albert was attacked from behind. Ruskin jammed the injection into Albert's neck and the mysterious drug flowed into his bloodstream.

Albert started to hallucinate whereas Ella stood there dumbfounded, watching him stagger in his steps.

Ella rushed to Albert's side, asking him if he was ok. Yet Milverton warned her that she better run and hide. Ella heard him, but she didn't fully comprehend why he said that. Although one thing is clear, she can't leave Albert behind. She tried to pull him along...

...until he swings his knife in her direction.

Ella was shocked. She looked at him wide eye and standing before her is a disheveled Albert. Ella could tell he was not in himself, and the color of his eyes which used to be green are now purple.

Ella kept trying to shout at Albert in hopes that he would knock it off. She also shouted at Milverton, asking what did he do to him. Unfortunately, Albert showed no signs of slowing down.

That's when Ella realized she needed to run. As she run around the manor to hide from Albert, she noticed Moran lying on the ground. She went over to him and tried to wake him up, but Albert was already behind her.

His aura is frightening her, and she couldn't stand and run due to intense fear. At the same time, she couldn't leave Moran alone; all members of the Moriarty gang are her family. She tried to reach out to Albert one last time while she backed up to the wall.

What came next was unexpected. Albert moved swiftly and stabbed her in the stomach - the same way how his original brother died.

 Albert moved swiftly and stabbed her in the stomach - the same way how his original brother died

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Ella slid down the wall as she tried to numb the pain in her abdomen through breathing.

And unfortunately, William came late to the scene. The moment he arrived, that's when Albert stop hallucinating and leaned onto the wall for support.

When he finally came to his senses, that's when he realized that his hands are slightly wet. In his line of vision, he saw Ella fighting for her life. And also in his peripheral vision, he saw Moran on the floor and William standing on the stairs. Both brothers showed a look of horror in their eyes - this was not accounted for in their plan at all.


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