BONUS: The Original Draft of Albert vs. Milverton

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I will share with you all the original story, the raw version, that I formulated back in March 2022. It's be da judge.

Ngl, it was the most challenging concept I have ever come up with. And actually, it's supposed to be Ella's kidnapping that is inspired by William's kidnapping incident. Mwehe...

Many parts were newly added and removed along the way, and 1 chapter was completely removed although the flow/essence is still the same. Have fun - cringing - reading!


Ella goes out doing errands with Louis and Moran in the market. They were out getting their essentials, but suddenly she was abducted by a gang and Louis noticed; however, he failed to reach them. Moran catches up to Louis, perplexed why he was acting that way. Louis broke the news and Moran was shocked - enough to catch the attention of the passersbys.

Louis rushed to meet Albert at some sort of government building to tell the devastating news. Albert became hurt and worried. Those 2 consulted with William to identify who is the mastermind behind it; William speculated that this kidnapping was done to hurt Albert since Ella is what he treasured the most. Albert appealed to the higher-ups to perform a search and rescue operation for Ella.

Meanwhile, Ella was surrounded by the leader and his gang. They hurt her so badly that she became weak. The moment it got worse, an explosion occurred on the ground floor. It's Albert and his militia - along with Moran and Fred! Louis and William cannot be there at the scene for it may cause "attraction" to the public and to Sherlock.

Albert's main priority is rescuing Ella. Moran and Albert worked side by side whereas the military managed to gun down the gang members. By the time Albert burst through the door, Ella was already lying on the floor. He grabs the leader by the collar and shoves him to the wall. (Again, I still don't know what he would say at this point.) Moran notices Ella on the floor and calls on Albert. His panic started to rise after seeing a pool of blood coming from you.

On the bright side, Ella still has a pulse as observed by Moran and she needs to be sent to a hospital STAT!

Albert is about to kill the leader of the gang; however, one of the military soldiers suddenly informs him about the batch of Opium in the basement. Moran told Albert to go focus on the Opium case because that topic has been a heated debate in the government and the evidence is essential. In addition, Moran offered him and Fred to bring Ella to the hospital. Talk about efficiency from those 2! Albert agrees to Moran's plan and instructs the military member to arrest the leader.

After the rescue, Albert reported the rescue operation was a success and the discovery of Opium coincidentally to the government. He even requested a week's leave in order to take care of Ella.

After Ella was treated in the hospital, she was staying at the Moriarty's manor and was ordered bed rest by the doctor. The day after the incident, Ella had enough of the trauma like you can still feel those palm prints left on your body. No matter how hard you scratch those areas, it is not enough to make those invisible hands go away. You noticed Albert resting on the chair; he didn't seem to notice you awake.

So you quietly searched for a scissor from the cabinet despite your body's severely aching from the pain. However, you accidentally dropped the scissor and it awoke Albert. Ella was about to cut skin when Albert grabbed your wrist to stop you from doing it. You were trying to fight for the action you needed to do, but Albert doesn't let you make it happen.

William showed up to the room with Louis tailing behind - checking what was all the commotion. Albert is still trying to get ahold of Ella while she's desperately going after the scissor that Albert threw across the room.

From the illuminating light of the hallway, William saw the red patches on Ella's body - those red patches are the marks where the gang touched Ella. Ella's crying to make all those invisible hands go away.

William calmly talks to Ella while telling Louis to go get a medicine that leaves a burning effect (kinda like...salonpas....but there's no such things as salonpas today in that period) and a towel too.

Once Louis got the things that William requested, he instructed Ella to apply it on those red patches. She immediately applied it and the medicine made Ella feel a little bit better.

William proceeds to talk to Albert - that is out of Ella's earshot - telling him he needs to "rewrite her pain" by replacing those invisible hands with love and tender care. Albert understands what he needs to do.

When Albert finally goes back to the room, Ella asks if he could stay beside her. He agrees and embraces her while lying down at her side, stroking her hair.

"Albert?" You woke up after a nightmare while you tried to find his hand. It's already the third day since the kidnapping incident. Of course, you had bad dreams before but never this serious; sadly, you can still remember them after waking up. That's why you're pretty scared, and it made you feel stupid as an adult to ask someone else to keep you company.

Fortunately, Albert showed you a lot of patience and understanding. He even pulled you towards him, so that you could cuddle up with his warm body and tell him about everything.

This man listened attentively and didn't interrupt you unless you asked him a question like "you had nightmares too, didn't you?" or "did your little brothers

also sleep with you when they were younger and had bad dreams?" He responded honestly at every question, occasionally rubbing your right arm or thigh with his fingers to calm your raging thoughts and heavy breathing. You fell asleep quite late and you woke up at noon, but it was definitely worth it - spending a sincere night by his side to know more about each other.


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