Part 1 - The Dream

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It all started when Albert had a nightmare.

The ambiance of the environment is dark & gloomy. It was nighttime. The moonlight was shining through a window, showing a barren room with dark grey Victorian-gothic wallpaper and wooden boards for the floors. There are about 2-3 small and dirty windows yet the shutters are closed. Despite the eerie vibe of the place, that did not scare Albert. What made him more frightened was that Ella's in front of him...

...being strangled by a burly man with a black tie while her body was tied to a chair.

being strangled by a burly man with a black tie while her body was tied to a chair

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However, Albert wasn't feeling himself. No matter how many punches and kicks he did, they weren't exerted with full force. And no matter how much he wanted to run, his legs are slowing him down - making Ella unreachable.

Albert woke up with shivers down his spine. 'It's just a dream. Nothing is real.' is what he thought. He laid down on his back to settle his nerves then got up and clad himself with his green robe. 

He walked out of his room to go to Ella's room by going up the stairs and then down the hall.

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He knocked on the door softly and whispered her name, "Ella?" There he sees her sleeping peacefully under the covers - enough to make him smile knowing she's completely safe

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He knocked on the door softly and whispered her name, "Ella?" There he sees her sleeping peacefully under the covers - enough to make him smile knowing she's completely safe.

As Albert gently closed the door and walked back to his room, Louis noticed him halfway through the stairs, surprised to see his nii-san up and early than usual.

"Nii-san! You're quite earlier than usual"

"Ah, good morning Louis-san! Apparently, I woke up from a nightmare. it was enough to disturb me from my sleep."

"Would you like some chamomile tea to help you relax?", Louis offered.

"No, thank you Louis. I'm fine"

"Alright nii-san."

"Although, Louis..."

"Yes, nii-san?"

"Please take care of Ella when I'm not around just in case. I'll be going to Buckingham Palace this afternoon."

"Of course, nii-san."


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