Part 5 - The Warning (II)

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"I can leave your office now but you won't be seeing Ms. Eleanor again."

Hearing what the stranger said shocked Albert and it made him stop in his tracks, "Excuse me?"

Hearing what the stranger said shocked Albert and it made him stop in his tracks, "Excuse me?"

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"I said...I can leave your office now as if you are now saying goodbye to Ms. Eleanor...or should I say...Ella", said the man as he holds the door knob.

Albert was on high alert when the stranger mentioned her name. He never communicated with this guy before; however, how did he know about Ella? Is he also aware of her disappearance?! Or what if...he's connected to Ella's disappearance???!!! Albert may appear calm and collected on the outside, but these thoughts are ragingly crossing his mind.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, how rude of me. Charles Agustus Milverton.", Milverton took off his hat as he bowed, showing more of his calm yet deathly pale face.

", Milverton took off his hat as he bowed, showing more of his calm yet deathly pale face

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"Ah, I've heard about you. King of Blackmailers. I believe you are not the type who likes friendly chats.", Albert said as he kept his stance steadily.

", Albert said as he kept his stance steadily

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"Glad to know someone does their homework.", Milverton said as he saunters to Albert's chair like he owns the place. "I believe you are rushing to get home, so I'll get straight to the point."

Meanwhile, Albert kept an expressionless face, not facing Milverton.

"I've been informed by my subordinates that you run the MI6 - a secret government agency, unknown to the public, that answers directly to Her Majesty. That's such a big responsibility to shoulder innit?"

"You must be mistaken, Sir. This is the Universal Trading Company and I run this business."

"Alright. Whatever you say.

...I want to own your company."


Deep down, Albert was panicking when Milverton said that but he remained calm. "You know I can't do that. This company is not for sale."

"And why do you say so?"

"I'm aware that you are the King of Media and a prominent businessman. But I can't rely this responsibility on a mercenary who also has a hidden persona - blackmailing individuals the moment when something good happens in their lives."

"I see." There was a moment of silence...until Milverton spoke again. "But isn't it quite ironic that this company slaughters nobles left and right behind the scenes? And the head of THIS company just lets them get away with these murders?! Haha!...aren't we actually the same?!"

"DO NOT...", Albert tries to argue but Milverton cut him off immediately. He came nearer to Albert and whispered, "I know that the Universal Trading Company is just a facade for MI6. I also did a little research behind your background and I'm quite surprised! ...The members of this company are actually The Lord of Crime! I wonder how will the public handle this when they will read that this company is a lie and is responsible for all the killings happening in London at The Dairy Londner?"

The members of this company are actually The Lord of Crime! I wonder how will the public handle this when they will read that this company is a lie and is responsible for all the killings happening in London at The Dairy Londner?"

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Albert grabbed him by the collar and shoved him to the wall. 

"Nah ah ah...I wouldn't do that if I were you. Whatever harm is done unto me will be done unto her. I also wouldn't suggest you to take away my life as well because when my subordinates didn't see me return soon, your company's secret will be published immediately. After all, I am always...a punctual businessman. And if you ever decided to reject...I believe you already got an idea of what will happen."

Albert reluctantly let him go from his grip.

"I believe we have reached an agreement. I'll be looking forward to your favorable response." And with that, Milverton chuckled as he walk to the door.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Albert James Moriarty!", and Milverton left the room.

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