Part 3 - The Kidnap

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What Ella didn't know is...

...the kid lied.

He was being used and threatened by one of Milverton's assistants. He was never lost; he does not mean to go to the pier to reunite with his mother. In fact, they are using his mother to blackmail the little boy to do their dirty job, and his goal was to lure Ella to them.

Calling out for help from the police wouldn't do any good because the little boy was being followed. If he did call for help, his mother will only meet a grisly end. If he was successful on his part, they would reward him and his mother with money; they couldn't turn down the offer because they needed it to continue living their impoverished lives in the farm.

Ella accompanies the little boy every step of the way. He already stopped crying, but his head hangs low while walking.

Ella notices the kid's mood and she tried her best to cheer him up. "Aww don't worry. I promise I won't hurt you. My name is Ella, and I can be your friend along the way."

The little boy looked up at her and he thought: 'anee-san seems nice.'

"May I also ask what is your name?", Ella asked.

"F-Falco...", the little boy replied.

"Nice to meet you, Falco! I can already tell we will be great friends."

The way how Ella speaks made Falco comfortable being around her. This stranger was so nice to him as compared to every people he encountered. Normally, people would ignore him whenever he needed help, but Ella didn't do that. Now he wonders what those guys would do to Ella once he brings her to them. In his head, remembering how they threatened him and his mother...he could sense bad things will happen.

"We're turning right this way to the pier. Don't forget the name of that bakery; that can be your important landmark in going to the place", Ella directed.

"Do you have a pet? or a favorite animal that makes you happy?", Ella asked, getting to know Falco.

"Uhh...I like beetles.", Falco answered.

"Really?! Why though?"

"Most people are scared because of the way how they look. But I find them wonderful! They don't really eat humans...they eat other insects that eats our crops."

"I didn't know that! That's amazing to know!"


The closer they get to the pier, the anxiety in Falco's heart grew bigger and bigger. He wanted to stop, he wanted to tell her what's going to happen to her if they keep on moving; however, his mother's safety is on the line, and he spotted the gang members in every aisle along the way - watching them.

With a heavy heart, he pretended he found his mom and called out to her; thus, releasing his hands from Ella's grip and running as far away from her.

Ella was surprised at how fast Falco acted. She didn't even get to see what his mother looked like. "F-Falco?! Falco, wait! You might get lost!" She tried to stop him but Falco continued on his way.

She ran after him, but Falco was quick to disappear into the crowd! There were so many people crowding Ella's vision. Luckily, she spotted him turning left into the alleyway and she followed him. Falco tried to hide but then he noticed Ella entering the same alleyway he came into. In fear, he dashed through every corner of the hallway until Ella lost sight of him.

Ella ended up in an abandoned alleyway and panic rose in her chest. She didn't know where Falco is right now, what his mother look like...

When suddenly, someone landed (from the roof) behind her and covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

Unfortunately, the handkerchief has some kind of chemical scent that makes a person sleepy, and Ella inhaled a lot because of the shock that someone was restraining her. As much as she tried to break free from her anonymous captor, she became weak and sleepy...until she fell to the ground - lifeless - and her vision turning black.

The anonymous captor took the locket from her neck, "Harry!", he tossed the necklace to his associate, "give this to boss.", Ruskin said.

"I know, Ruskin

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"I know, Ruskin. Don't tell me what to do!", Harry replied. "Oi! kid!"

Falco peeked through at the other end of the alleyway

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Falco peeked through at the other end of the alleyway.

"Here!", Harry tossed him a bag of coins worth 50 shillings. Falco fumbled to catch it. 

Meanwhile, Falco just stood still, seeing Ella on the ground.

"What do you want, kid?!", Harry raised his tone while addressing the boy.

"M-my mother! Where is she?!", Falco tried to act tough but deep inside...he's barely holding it together.

"Back in the shed.", and Falco ran towards there.


Louis came back after he successfully retrieved his wallet from the street kid. He noticed that the magic show already ended; however, ... 

...he couldn't find Ella everywhere he look.

He tried calling out her name, not caring if people are looking at him. He entered many shops, frantically searching while trying to remain calm, but she was still nowhere to be seen. The feeling of guilt is drastically building inside him. He tried looking for clues that identifies "Ella"; however, he still found none.

Louis went home, hoping that Ella actually came home after buying the things they needed.

"ERA-SAN??!!", Louis's voice echoed through the manor. Instead, he was greeted with Moran, Fred, and Jack at the living room. 

"Jeez, need to be so annoyingly loud!", Moran said while poking his left ear.

"What's wrong, Louis-kun?", Renfield asked.

"Is Era-san home?", Louis desperately asked.

", she's not. Why though? ...what happened?", Jack asked in a grim face on his last question.

'I failed nii-san...', Louis thought, breaking down to the floor.

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