Part 12 - Resolve

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"o-...", there was a loud slashing sound that made Milverton stop counting midway.

William came from behind, lacerating Reuben's nape and leaving a deep gash on it. Blood spurted out from the wound; thus, giving him instant death.

Milverton was caught off guard to look at the commotion. He totally didn't notice William's presence in the room at all! When he saw Reuben falling to the ground, he is still processing his death, but this time Albert took the opportunity to shoot him in the left chest, so Milverton wouldn't have the chance to shoot Ella.

Milverton was shot. He is in agony from the searing pain when the bullet pierced through his muscle. 

His gun is no longer pointing at Ella anymore because he's concentrating on his breathing to subside the pain as best as possible

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His gun is no longer pointing at Ella anymore because he's concentrating on his breathing to subside the pain as best as possible.

While Milverton is distracted, William tackled him to the ground and Albert immediately rushed to Ella's side. 

"Ella! Ella...I'm here...", Albert said as he quickly but carefully removed the tie around her neck. He brushed off her hair to show her tear-stained eyes, and he gently wiped them away.

"Mmmmm..." was all Ella could mutter.

"I'm here now,'re safe now...", Albert continued to reassure her as he untied the cloth that has been gagging her mouth.

"A...ber...", Ella said his name softly as her head hung low.

"Yes, love, I am here...", Albert said as he pulled a pocket knife to cut the ropes that has been binding her body. "...I am here."

The moment the ropes came undone, Ella's torso leaned forward. "Ella!", Albert managed to catch her fall. "Are you alright?", Albert asked; however, no response coming from her. He cradled her in his arms, yet he could feel her getting weak. "Ella...please...stay with me..."

Suddenly, the door opened showing Ruskin at the doorway. But then he was pushed away revealing Mycroft behind him.

  But then he was pushed away revealing Mycroft behind him

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"Sorry I'm late.", Mycroft said.

"Holmes-san...", William said while he was pinning down Milverton to the ground.

"So...this is the King of the Blackmailers huh?" Mycroft walked towards Milverton. Then he looked to Albert and said "I see you finally saved her."

"How is everyone?", Albert asked.

"They're all caught up on the spot. Neither opponent is backing down until I showed up. Moran's looking after them now after they're tied up."

Mycroft took one last look at Ella, and said to Albert, "Go. She needs a hospital right now."

"Yes, nii-san, we'll take care of the rest.", William reassured his older brother.

"Right. Thank you...", and with that, Albert carried Ella out to the door.

"W-wa-wait! Why are you letting him leave?! He's the Lord of Crime!! Who are you?!" Milverton raised his voice as he struggled to stand up; however, William still managed to pin him down.

"W-wa-wait! Why are you letting him leave?! He's the Lord of Crime!! Who are you?!" Milverton raised his voice as he struggled to stand up; however, William still managed to pin him down

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"I am Mycroft Holmes, director of the London Military Department and the British Government. And by the power vested in me, I hereby place you under arrest for the crimes, specifically blackmailing, human extortion, kidnappings, and undisclosed murder that you and your organization have committed to the London public."

" can't arrest me! You don't have any proof! But I have every solid evidence that this man on top of me and the whole group are the Lord of Crime!!!"

"On the other hand, I do have a collection of solid evidence of your organization's doings thanks to my brother. Because of that, I order the shutdown of The Daily Londner and withdraw you from its position and ownership." Mycroft proceeded to come closer to Milverton and said, "And yes, I am also aware that they are the Lord of Crime and people like you can never have ownership of the MI6."

Milverton was suddenly hit with a realization that the connection between this government official and the Lord of Crime goes way back, and he just lost the battle. He screamed with rage at his defeat while Mycroft proceeded to handcuff him.


Under the shining moonlight, Albert is running through the woods; he ran as fast as he could to the carriage while carrying Ella.

"Hang on to me Ella...please...stay with me...I can't lose you forever...", Albert pleaded because he sees the scars on her neck...and it is not looking good.

"" was all Ella could muster up from her energy. Albert is touched; therefore, he holds on to her tighter.

The wind blows through the night yet Albert remained unbothered by the cold. When he finally spotted the carriage, it encouraged him to run faster.

"Bond!", Albert shouted.

Bond looked up from inside the passenger seat and opened the door. "Albert-san? What happened?"

"We need to get to the hospital right now. Ella is dying!", Albert said as he placed Ella on the left passenger seat.

Bond gets the urgency but is concerned about the other members; however, he doesn't want to sound rude. "Are the others coming as well?"

"Will has it under control."

And hearing that is enough for Bond to start moving because he also trusts William's judgment.

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