Part 9 - The Beginning of the War

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It is nighttime when the Moriarty gang left Durham manor on the way to Brighton. The moon is the only light shining bright in the dark, about to witness which of the two parties will prevail in this deadly negotiation.

 The moon is the only light shining bright in the dark, about to witness which of the two parties will prevail in this deadly negotiation

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The sound of the carriage wheel and the horse clopping on gravel are the only noises echoing in the night. Fred and Moran manned the carriage whereas Bond and the Moriarty brothers sat inside.

 Fred and Moran manned the carriage whereas Bond and the Moriarty brothers sat inside

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"Do you think Mycroft Holmes will be coming, nii-sama?", Louis asked.

"Yes, he will come.", Albert assured Louis.

"Especially when a questionable outsider desires to be involved in the nonexistent division. I believe Mycroft-sama knows where to get his sources that can be used against Milverton.", William added.

"I agree. Thanks to his brother's detective consultation with the public, he has enough evidence to detain him for blackmailing, kidnappings, and undisclosed murder.", Albert added.

Albert may appear calm and collected on the outside, but deep inside he's already drowning between worrying about Ella and rage towards Milverton.

Albert unintentionally curled his right fist tighter and Louis noticed this. "Don't worry, Albert-sama. Ella will be alright.", Louis reassured him.

"Louis is right, Albert-san. You can rely on us to get her back in one piece.", Bond added.

"Thank you, Louis. And I also hope so too, Bond-san."


Meanwhile, in the Brighton manor, all of Milverton's crew gathered around in his dark office. Milverton faced everyone from his desk whereas the rest either chose to sit or stand.

"Min'na-san, it is almost time to meet the Lord of Crime. I can already tell that our visitor still refuses to hand over the MI6. But he and his squad will still come to only rescue his love. That's why don't hesitate to eliminate them by all means. Without them existing anymore, I can already take control of MI6 easily.", Milverton announced to his team.

"Hai, Milverton-sama", Ruskin said with firm determination.

"Boss, what about her?", Reuben asked while pointing to Ella who was all tied up, sitting in the corner.

"She'll come with me. It will be rude not to let them meet for the last time."

"Okay boss."

"And I do not know who did it in the first place but for gaddamn sake tie her up properly!", Milverton's shout echoed through the room, flinching Harry from his seat. 

With that, Reuben got up from his seat, walked over to Ella, and carried her like a sack of flour when unfortunately she is too weak to fight.


The Moriarty carriage reached the outskirts of the manor's forest. 

"William-sama, we have arrived." Fred said from the driver's seat. With that, everyone gets down from the carriage. 

"Albert-niisan, before we you trust not to let your emotions get the betterment of your judgment?", William asked.

Albert hesitated a little to William's question then he finally answered. "Hai, Will."

"I know Ella is in danger but...just trust me, nii-san."

"Alright Will

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"Alright Will.", Albert replied with a smile on his face.

"Just as we planned, I'll stay behind to look after the carriage and block out any sabotage on our only transportation to home. That trip sure is long though.", Bond said while stretching their legs and torso.

"Alright everyone, what lies ahead involves more violence as compared to the ones we have done before. There's no turning back now that Ella needs our help and put a full stop to Milverton's deeds."

And with William's speech, everyone set foot now towards Milverton's manor.

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