Part 15 - Healing (I)

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After 2 months, the doctors finally allowed Ella to be sent home, and they advised her to be on bed rest to let her remaining injuries heal. Fred and Louis were the ones who picked her up since Albert is on his military mission and William is on his shift at Durham University.

"Hello, Ella-san. You're finally coming home with us.", Louis said in a happy tone while taking Ella by the wheelchair.

", Louis said in a happy tone while taking Ella by the wheelchair

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"Yes...thank you, Louis...", Ella said in her raspy voice. She sounds composed yet there is a tint of sadness in her voice.

"Albert-niisan wasn't able to come today since he's on a military mission; Fred and I came on his behalf. And...we really miss you so much..."

"Aww thank you, Louis. I appreciate that and I also miss all of you too...has a lot of things changed in the manor without me?"

"Nothing much. Moran may escape yet he cannot escape in doing his chores, Fred continued welcoming stray cats and tending to the roses, and Bond...bonds with Moran as well. William-niisan and Jack-sama were worried about you after Albert-niisan brought you to the hospital. Sometimes Jack-sama and I took turns to look after you when Albert-sama is away."


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"Hai. You were mostly sleeping every time we come. I'm afraid they don't allow visitors during the night."

"Thank you, Louis-san. And to Jack-sama too."

The moment they reached the foyer, Louis opened the big doors, and there in the open gateway is the Moriarty chariot with Fred holding a rose bouquet.

"Welcome back, Ella-san! These are for you!", Fred greeted as he handed over the roses.

"Welcome back, Ella-san! These are for you!", Fred greeted as he handed over the roses

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"Thank you, Fred-san.", Ella said. Despite her raspy voice, she showed a warm smile on her face.

They both helped her up in riding the carriage since both of her legs were bandaged.


Ella didn't say anything as she looked at Louis.

"I would like to ask if would you like some company during the journey or would you prefer to be alone for now?"

Ella deeply appreciated his kind gesture and he truly understands what she needs.

"...I would like to be alone for now. Arigato, Louis-san.", Ella said as her eyes showed relief.

With that, Fred closed the door.


When they reached Durham manor, everyone threw a surprise welcome for Ella. Unfortunately, it shocked her and she cowered in fear, yet Louis was able to catch her back in case she falls. 

"It's alright, Ella. It's just us.", Louis reassures her.

Slowly, seeing familiar faces managed to calm her nerves, but William and Albert were nowhere to be found as she scan the room. Heck, she even spotted a banner saying "Welcome Back Home, Ella!"

Jack was the first one who comes up to Ella with a big hug. "Welcome home, Ella." Ella didn't say anything in return except for a hug. His eucalyptus scent made her all the more relaxed.

"Ella! We got you your favorite comfort food: chocolate muffins

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"Ella! We got you your favorite comfort food: chocolate muffins.", Bond said as he offered her a box. "It's ok if you don't want to eat now. They're there when you need it."

"Arigato, Bond-san

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"Arigato, Bond-san.", Ella said with a smile as she took the box of pastries from Bond.

"Thank you, everyone, for welcoming me back into this home. And...I don't mean to be rude it possible to be alone? ...because I am feeling sleepy?", Ella asked with her raspy voice.

"Sure! Whatever you need!", Jack said as he guides Ella back to her room.

Halfway to the 3rd floor, Ella asked " you know when Albert will come home?"

"Hmm...ever since he found out the doctors allowed you to be sent home...I believe he's coming home soon."

"Thank you, Jack-sama."

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