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11:02 am

Ayame and Gwen took a bathroom break before the next period they had together before lunch. They laughed and talked, as Ayame waited for Gwen. She washed her hands for about 20 seconds before turning the faucet off and dried her hands.

"Ayame." Gwen said while flushing the toilet, opening the stall and heading to the sink.


She smiled at her while washing her hands. "I'm glad you're getting comfortable around me. We'd be great best friends you know."

Ayame laughed a little. "I mean yeah, you are a very welcoming person." She felt her stomach growl but not loud enough for Gwen to hear.

Gwen went to go dry her hands and looked at her with a flattered look. "Really? I try to be. I have a question although."

Ayame raised her eyebrows waiting for it.

"How come you aren't nervous around Andre but you're still nervous around miles?"

She stayed still for a moment, not expecting that question, nor didn't know how to answer it.

"..Uh..I, I don't know. I know I don't like him, too soon for that. It's just, maybe I'm not familiar with him yet."

Gwen smirked. "So by this, you don't know that Andre has a crush on you?"

Ayame's eyes widened. "Bro what?"

The blonde laughed at her reaction. "You can't tell me you didn't notice dude." She says as they start to walk out of the bathroom, heading to class.

"Think about it. The boy gave you money to eat, walked you to the bus stop and even got on the bus with you! And he was the first to compliment you."

Ayame realized what she meant. She doesn't return the same feelings for him which made her feel bad. "Damn. I feel like shit."

"Why do you?"

"Is it because you don't like him back?" They heard a familiar voice walking behind us as we entered the staircase.

They turned around and saw miles with a confused look on his face.

"Miles you nosy fuck." Gwen muttered as her and ayame turned back around, walking up the stairs as miles followed them.

Ayame stayed quiet, not knowing how to answer his question so she decided not to bring it up. Too mixed up in her thoughts, she started to not pay attention to what she was doing.

Now that miles was here, Gwen was right, she was nervous. Her thoughts and everything were mixed up in her head that causes her clumsiness. She almost tripped up a step but caught herself.

Her stomach started to get at her for not eating last night, and not eating this morning either.

She started to feel dizzy but not enough for her to slow her down. They just reached the hallway and headed down to Spanish towards the end of the hall.

"Gwen." Ayame muttered out, walking unevenly.

She turned to her side along with miles and saw her uneven state. "Yeah what's wrong?"

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