Chapter 18: Ben Tennyson

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After a while people on the lawn of the school for gifted children began to shake off their stupors of what they had just witnessed. Magneto took his brotherhood and left like ben told him. A little after that Xavier's wheel chair was returned to him. When he was back in his chair he looked at everyone. Deciding to final take control of the situation he called the faculty members of the school. Together they all made a course of action before Xavier turned to make an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. I think that for right now everyone should gather round your home room teachers and listen to them while a few of us figure out the situation. If your teacher is busy go to your next teacher. Lorna, please come over here." Charles said as he wheeled himself away. The Bens, Tennysons, Scott, Emma, and Logan followed him. When Lorna joined them Charles started talking to her. "Lorna has Ben ever done something like this?" Charles asked. Lorna shook her head. 

"No. Ever since i can remember Ben's never even gotten angry at me. Only other time was back at the mental hospital when we saved Wanda." Lorna replied. 

"We're gonna have to find him in the house and talk to him." Logan said. 

"Can we help out?" Laura asked with the girls behind her. All of them seemed worried. 

"Ben's helped us when we were having such a hard.... We want to help him now." Wanda said. Xavier smiled at them.

"Your help would be greatly appreciated. However, Ben seems to be hiding his mind from me more then usual. I don't know where he is in the house." Xavier said. 

"I can't track him cause this is the first time he's been human." Laura responded.

"I'm not confident enough to do a tracking spell." Wanda said. Everyone seemed to be trying to figure something quicker then manually searching the house. Finally Lorna raised her hand. 

"I know how to find him." Lorna said getting everyone's attention. She then pulled off her jacket to reveal a black shirt with green lines down the side. The shirt then began to move and warp before it became a blob that jumped off of her. Beneath what was once her shirt was another identical shirt. The blob then began to morph back into it's normal form, revealing itself as ship.

"SHIP! SHIP!" ship barked. 

"Ship! Can you find Ben?" Lorna asked.  Ship jumped up and down as he barked his name as a yes in response. "Go get him!" Lorna said as she pointed to the mansion and off ship ran. Looking back at everyone they seemed confused at how she had been wearing him like a shirt. "Ben wanted ship to be a guard dog for me in case of emergencies. Said this was the best choice cause he was hidden and close to me at all times....." She replied a little awkwardly. Then they all began following the little alien dog as he ran through the house. Ship lead them all directly to the kitchen where they heard some sounds. They all watched as ship slipped under the door through the crack, eager to see Ben again. Charles followed by opening the door to see Ship nuzzling Ben's left hand as Ben was petting him while stuffing his face with leftover spaghetti in the kitchen. Ben acted like he didn't notice them as he finished the food. 

"Ben?" Charles asked as Ben stood up and moved to one of the many fridges in the school. Lot of kids means multiple fridges to store food for everyone to eat. Opening the leftover fridge he grabbed several things before moving back to the counter top where he was eating.

"Hey Ben." Lorna asked as she moved over to him. Charles followed behind her while asking the others to stay back for a while. Ben continued to focus on his food. Lorna was staring at his metal arm the whole time. 

"Did he always have a metal arm?" Ruby asked. 

"I don't know. When we were college students Ben's arm was fine." Jennifer said.

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