Chapter 2: The School for Gifted Youngsters

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A man in a motorized wheel chair is moving through a large mansion. Moving through a crowd a children, teenagers, and young adults moving both ways down the hall. The man himself was rather old. He was bald with blue eyes, wore a lovely suit and tie that gave him a calm and friendly demeanor. He smiled at the children passing by as he arrived at a large entry way for the mansion. 

Going to one of the doors close to the entryway the man opened the door to find an office with several seated children. All of them had notebooks out and pencils at the ready as if they were in a classroom. 

"Alright class where were we yesterday?" The man asked the children as he wheeled to the desk at the back of the office. 

"We were discussing Julius Caesar, and the ethics of his actions in taking permanent control over Rome. How man of power of such power would act in this way." A student replied. 

"Thank you mark." As he reached the desk. The desk had a small plaque at the front with the name "Professor Charles Xavier". In small print it said "Head of the School for Gifted Youngsters". Professor Xavier then started a lesson going over the ethics of great men with great powers such as Julius Caesar and others. Discussing if they were right or wrong and how men with power should be responsible with that power instead of abusing it. 

After his lesson was over the kids all went off to other classes. But professor Xavier remained in his office. As he did he started to reach out with his mind. A sort of exercise he had for himself.

Charles Xavier was a mutant with the power of telepathy. He could sense and communicate with every living mind in a 250 mile radius. Sometimes he liked to reach his mind out and just feel all the life around him. It was always a calming effect for him. 

As he did he felt a strange presence that he couldn't read. He could sense a mind, but couldn't access it at all. Turning in the direction he found that whatever it was it was moving at incredible speeds in the air. Xavier couldn't help but notice this strange person who was shielded from his perception. Even when looking through the eyes of other creatures in the area surrounding the mind, but no matter how or where he looked he never saw a thing. It was as if the creature didn't exist. The only thing to suggest that it even existed in the first place was Charles own power. 

After a moment of searching the office door opened and three people walked into the room. Two women and a man. 

The first one to enter was a women with beautiful dark skin. She had white hair, but wasn't old. She seemed to be in her early thirties. Her hair was a part of her mutation. She wore a white shirt with a black suit jacket and pants. 

The next was a man. He had one a visor with a red lens. He had short brown hair and wore more casual clothes. Jeans, a white button down, shoes and a belt. 

Then there was the last woman. She had very light blonde hair and wore a far more extravagant outfit. She wore a white corset that hugged her form and a long white cloak with a fake fur lining. Then she wore white pants and high heel boots. On her belt buckle was an X. 

Professor Xavier didn't seem to notice them as he was trying to find this mysterious mind that evaded him. 

"Professor is everything alright?" The first woman asked getting his attention. 

Professor Xavier turned to them. "Oh! Yes. I'm sorry. It seems I got distracted." Professor Xavier replied. 

"By what? Sorry professor it's just. Nothing seems to distract you very much. Nor surprise you." The man said. It didn't take a telepath to see the surprise on Xavier's face.

"It would seem I found someone rather amazing." Charles replied with a smile.  "I think I might go for a drive later today." Xavier mused as he looked in the direction of the hidden mind. He then looked at his guests. "Scott, Emma. Would you two care to join me when I go to visit this mystery?" Xavier asked. 

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