Chapter 19: down spiral

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I have felt for a while that my writing has felt like it was lacking a bit of something. Writing this chapter i think i found a piece of what I'm missing by learning a little more about paragraph structures. More specifically, when and where to break a paragraph. Because of this i think my writing has significantly improved.
    Because of this I will be editing previous chapters as i fix the writing structures to match this chapters. This note will be removed when finished. 

As time went on after Ben's confrontation with the brotherhood, everyone tried their best to act normal. 

If there were some differences. Ben stayed in his human form and seemed more moody then usual. It wasn't unusual now to find him sitting somewhere in his free time while constantly clenching and unclenching his metal right arm. 

Hank had expressed a interest in the technology, wanting to see if it was possible for him to replicate such an advanced and intricate design for medical use. He said there are a great many who had lost their limbs and be immensely grateful for the chance to get back what they lost. Indulging him, Ben went along and allowed Hank to do his tests so that he may get a glimpse at the mechanics of it all. 

Naturally as it involved Ben, the others were interested to see his results as well. 

Currently Hank was in the projector room showing his results on the big screen. Charles Xavier sat at the front row on the far right side of the room. Logan, Scott, and Emma sat to his left. The Ben's and Gwen 10 sat in the front row as well. Lorna sat a few rows behind them with Wanda. Others included Rogue, Kurt, Ruby, Laura, Jennifer, and a few other staff members. 

Once everyone was present Hank started the slide show. 

"In my examination of Ben's metallic appendage i did every scan we have available, which is saying something as our med bay is decades ahead of some of the best modern day hospitals. These are some of the images i was able to get." Hank said as he showed several images side by side. 

One was a normal photo of Ben's arm, then all the others were showing different parts of his arm from his arms muscle and bones, to it's nervous system and vein. 

"In all my years i have never seen anything like it. The closest thing would be Colossus in his metal form. Every part of Ben's arm looks, operates, and reacts as if it was living biological tissue. It's as if he has a normal arm but replace all the human flesh with some sort of bio-metal. It pumps blood like a normal arm, receives brain signals like one, has actual muscles that perfectly mimic a human's muscles. If you ignore the metal, this is the equivalent of his actual arm." Hank explained while sounding amazed. 

"What kind of metal is it?" Wolverine asked. Wolverine was familiar with having metal as a part of one's body due to the fact he had one of the planet's strongest metals, adamantium, grafted on his bones.

"I wasn't able to identify it. It matches nothing in humanity has ever seen and it's base elements don't correspond to any known element on the periodic table. I do however know some of it's incredible qualities the metal possesses. The metal has an astounding thermal conduction rate and has a high capacity for the amount of thermal energy it can hold in a given moment." Hank explained.

Ben 23 looked at Hank with a confused expression. "Mind explaining that again, keeping in mind we're 10?" Ben 23 asked as he leaned back into his chair.

"Yeah, dumb it down for us fur ball." Logan asked. 

Hank sighed at Logan's comment. However he wasn't able to repeat himself before someone else explained for him.

"The metal is able to let heat pass through it more easily then normal metals. Like a superconductor, but instead of being good at just conducting electrical energy it's good at conducting heat. And it's capable of allowing immense amounts of heat to move through it all at once." Gwen 10 explained. 

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