Chapter 4: Family

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Once Ben had finished helping all the other kids he went up into the control center. He had reverted to his Diamondhead form.

"That was quite impressive." Xavier said.

"Your telling me. You wanna stay here as a teacher. Sure would help us out." Rouge asked.

"It was nothing. Really." Ben replied. 

"How many different forms do you have? I counted 15 not including this one." Hank asked.

"You want to know the total or the number i have?" Ben asked. 

"There's a difference?" Rouge asked. 

"Let's just say i have the potential for over a million." Ben said. This bit of news seemed to shock everyone, save for Lorna.

"Your kidding right?" Rouge asked with shocked expression. Ben shook his head. 

"I have to say that I agree with Rouge. Having someone like you as a teacher would be a huge weight off our shoulders. We get kids like this all the time. So far we've gotten lucky in helping them. But with someone like you I'm sure that it'd be so easy." Hank said as he looked at the kids who were now leaving. 

"I'm sure if anyone else was in my position it'd be no different." Ben said. Charles didn't say anything. 

"How about we go to my office to discuss this all further. Lorna, I'm sure lunch will be served soon. Why don't you, Hank, Emma, and rouge go and get something to eat." Charles said. Lorna nodded before she started for the door. Rouge and Emma followed right behind. 

"Lunch actually sounds pretty good. I'll see you later Professor." Hank said before the four of them left. Ship ran after them before jumping back onto Lorna's shoulder. Meanwhile Ben and Charles went to Charles office. When they got in Ben took a seat in front of the desk while Xavier moved so that he was behind it. 

"So what do you think of the school?" Xavier asked. 

"Compared to other schools? This place would be amazing. I can see Lorna excelling here in this school." Ben said. Charles looked interested at his first statement.

"And by your standards?" Charles asked. Ben didn't say anything for a moment before he replied bluntly.

"I completed 6th all the way to 12th grade in 4 years. Graduated Valedictorian of my college in 2. Now i run the fortune 500 start up Omni Industry after a few years in the military. And I know it'll soon hit the Fortune 100. You ask me. I can give her an education beyond anything this school could dream of giving." Ben said. He then leaned back in the rather sturdy chair. "But Lorna want's to go here and be with others like herself. She'd be happier going to this school then going anywhere else. So I guess that works for me." Ben replied. Charles smiled in understanding.

"Yes. I could tell without reading her mind that she does quite enjoy this place." Charles said he then pulled out a folder. "These are the forms to enroll her in the school." He said handing them over to Ben. He then pulled out another folder. "And these are the forms to be employed here as a teacher." Xavier said placing them on the desk. Ben looked at it. 

"Wait. You were seriously considering having me become a teacher here at this school?" Ben asked. 

"Indeed i am." Xavier responded. 

"Look what happened in that room wasn't supposed to be anything like a try out or a show room for what i can do. For both teaching and my powers." Ben said.

"I never considered it to be. I simply saw the potential to be a great mentor for some of these students we have here in this school. Ben you have a great power and no one can tell you what to do. If you do not wish to work here then i will not push this forward any further. However when you were down there I saw you become different." Charles said. Ben looked at Charles with a tense expression.

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