Chapter 5: The Sister

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Currently Ben was sitting in a meeting for the teachers and a few students. All of whom were members of the x-men team except Ben and Lorna.

"Everyone. I'd like to introduce to you all Lorna Tennyson, her brother Benjamin, and their little friend Ship." Charles said pointing to both of them. Ship raised his head. 

"Ship!" He said excitedly

"So new students. Cool. Why did you bring all of us here for that?" Asked one of the students, a young girl. Her name is Katherine 'kitty' Pryde. 

"Because of Lorna's background and Ben's possibility of being a teacher here." Charles replied.

"Another teacher? Vhy? Vhat is it he brings to table?" Asked a large man in a Russian accent. A teacher, Piotr Rasputin, a.k.a. Colossus. Ben stepped forward and started to change. He grew larger. Soon he was 13, maybe 14 feet tall. His skin turned red and he grew an extra pair of arms along with another set of eyes. He made Colossus look like a dwarf. 

"And zey call me colossus." He said looking up.

"Benjamin here has the power to shape-shift into many different forms. Each one having its own different set of abilities. Mr. Tennyson here would be a valuable asset in teaching our students to utilize their own abilities." Charles replied.

"If I accept!" Ben finished. Stating how he had still not decided whether he'd take it or not. He moved back away before he changed back to diamondhead and stood in a corner.

"Wow. Talk about power." Kitty said in amazement.

"Now what about Lorna?" Hank asked.

"After a trip to the med lab we discovered that lorna had a previously unknown relationship with an old adversary of ours." Charles started. He paused for dramatic effect. "Magneto." Everyone was silent, not know how to react. Finally someone spoke up.

"So. What difference does zis make?" Stated a young man about Ben's age. He had blue skin, yellow eyes, a tail whipping around his back, and spoke in a german accent. Kurt Wagner. "My mother is mystique. So what difference does it make that her grandfather is magneto?" Kurt said.

"He's her father." Ben corrected. Kurt was shocked before rubbing his neck.

"Sorry." He replied.

"How old is he for people to think he's my grandpa?" Lorna asked.

"Magneto is about 93 years old." Hank replied. Lorna's eyes showed her shock.

"My dad's 79 years older then me? I don't know how my mother could have had me with a man old enough to be her dad." She said in disgust.

"Well we suspect that your father has found some mutants capable of reversing the aging process. Making him look and feel far younger then he is. Present day he appears to be in late 30's." Charles explained.

"How old are you professor?" Lorna asked remembering how he and her father were old friends. Xavier chuckled.

"I'm 91." He said with a smile. Again Lorna was surprised.

"You don't look that old. What? Do you also know an anti aging mutant?" Lorna asked.

"No. That would be me. The professor drinks a serum I concocted that slows the aging process significantly." Hank said with a confident smirk.

"Whats next. Your gonna tell me that she's hundreds of years old?" Lorna asked point to laura.

"No. But my dad is over 290." Laura said with a smile.

"Oh come on!" She said with a bit of irritation.

"Ah'm with kirk on this. Who cares if she's his daughter or not. She's here now. So we treat her like everyone else." Rouge said getting back to the topic.

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