Chapter 11: The new kids in the timeline

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Ben drove like a madman from hell. Going past the speed limit, passing people left and right, ignoring any comments made by passengers.

"Is it just me or is this Ben insane?" Gwen asked. 

"Dude could make it as a formula one racer!" Ben 23 commented.

"I think i'm gonna be sick." Benjamin said as he hugged the console he was using as his seat.

"Me too." Ben 10k said as he himself was also holding onto his seat. 

"Grow a pair." Ben responded. 

"Sorry. But we aren't currently made of diamonds so if we get into a car wreck you may be fine, but we won't!" Ben 10 responded as his face screamed of terror. 

"My question is how is he doing this!? Aren't we in New York where there's constant traffic!?" Gwen asked confused. 

"Yep." Ben replied as he drifted into a parallel parking space. "We're here." Ben said as he turned off the car. 

"Thank god." Ben 10k said. All together they got out of the car and looked at where they were. 

"Hey. This is dr. Strange's place." Benjamin said as he turned back to normal. Looking at it they were staring at 177A Bleeker street.  "This is who you called!?" Benjamin asked.

"Yeah. I once got a few lessons from him." Ben replied. 

"You know magic? Like gwen?!" Ben 10 asked. 

"Yeah. I know magic. Grandma was able to teach me a lot but to further my studies on magic and all things mystical i found the sorcerer supreme." Ben replied. 

"Grandma? As in grandma verdona? I thought she was gone." Gwen said. 

"Yeah... Right. You guys are ten. Grandma would be back at her home planet." Ben said. 

"Grandma's an alien!?" Ben 23 asked. Ben ignored them as he started for the door and knocked. The door opened on it's own immediately with no one behind the door waiting to greet them. Ben, Ben 10k, and Benjamin all walked in without worry. Ben 10, Ben 23, and Gwen stood outside for a second looking in before looking at each other all at the same time. Seeing the older one's go in they slowly crept into the place. When they were inside the door closed behind them. All three jumped and turned around to see the door was closed. 

"Welcome." A voice echoed through the halls of the sanctum sanctorum.

"Dr. Strange." Ben called. 

"Hello Ben." Strange said as he appeared at the top of the stairs in front of the door. "Or should i say bens.... and gwen." Dr. Strange said with a bit of surprise. 

"Been a while." Ben said. 

"Sure has. What was 3 years ago when you said you were quitting the occult?" Dr. Strange asked. 

"Yep. About the same time i finished college." Ben replied. 

"I see you've decided to change your appearance.... permanently. I can sense you haven't used your normal appearance since we last saw each other." Strange commented. 

"I don't talk about. Right now we need a spell to get these guys home." Ben said. 

"What? Don't like the company of alternate versions of yourself?" Strange asked with a smile.

"i have enough problems with myself. I don't need 4 other versions of myself and a gwen around to make it worse." Ben said. 

"Wow. This version of us is a real teddybear." Benjamin commented while looking at Ben 10K. Ben looked at them as his shoulder exploded in spikes. 

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