Part 23

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(I made this an emotional chapter because I love angst and I will never apologize! Also slight Tw self hate is touched on in this chapter)

"Your boyfriend has a lot of temper tantrums." Dabi remarked. I but my tongue and just stared at him. Sitting up I tried to get up but failed miserably. "I swear when I able to get up your dead." I gritted my teeth. "Yeah whatever. I need the Nomu." Dabi brushed my words off. "Why?" I asked. "I need to pay an old friend a price of my mind." He smiled. "We'll all the Nomu are probably captured by now."I explained. It was true. Pros like Endeavor and Best Jeanist had showed up to take care of them. "You used them all? For what?" Dabi yelled. "Like you I had to pay a friend a piece of my mind." I laughed. "When the mad man makes more then." Dabi was obviously getting aggravated. "I'm not having you piss Shigaraki even more off. It's apparent he don't want to use the nomus recklessly." I argued at him. "Two Nomu that will answer to me that's all. And I'll make things right with you boyfriend." Dabi shoved his hands in his coat. "Fine. When the mad man makes more. But no big attacks." I warned. "Wait." A raspy voice called out. "Shigaraki!" Dabi gasped. "You have no authority here anymore. Dabi push you immaturity away and we have bigger fish to fry." Shigaraki said getting even more pissed upon realizing Dabis plan. "Whatever." Dabi saying that left and pushed past Tenko. I just looked at Tenko. "I realized what happened. Dabi wants to take the Nomu and attack hero agency's directly." He said as he crawled in my bed. I accepted him this time with open arms. He laid on my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. I took off my glasses and stroke his hair. "I'm glad I can't feel my legs." I joked. "Oh my god I'm sorry." He started to panic. I grabbed his face and kissed him. "Chill." I spoke to him. Something more was bothering him. "I feel bad." Tenko began to speak after some silence. "Though it has always been my goal to surpass everyone and become the strongest, now you are on the masters bad side and-" he was cut of by his sobbs. He sounded like he was gonna cry the whole time he was talking. "What if I'm not actually good enough? What if you get hurt again?" He started to breath more shallow. "Tenko, you got to where you are by yourself. And I get hurt, we will deal with it like we are now." I tried to reassure him. It was late and we were both tired. "I love you a lot." He replied. "I love you too." I kissed his forehead and we drifted to sleep. In the next few days I healed up completely. Though I still had some deep cuts and scars, I was able to relearn to walk and use my body. I was laying in Tenkos lap. We were on the couch watching the bee movie and Toga and Twice burst through the door. "Let's go to the pool!" i hate water!" Twice yelled. They were both so excited I thought they were gonna explode. "There's a new pool that opened up near by! It would fun to go night swimming!" Toga squealed. "That would be fun since I got my stitches out." I looked up at Shigaraki. He sat there not paying attention playing with my hair. It was so nice when he got distracted and he starts to figit and play with everything, including my hair. "Sure. I'll convince him later." I looked at the both. They both giggled and jumped with excitement. "Hmm?" Tenko looked down at me he train of thought interrupted. "We are going swimming with Twice and Toga tonight." I replied. "And Magne and Dabi!" Toga called from the hallway. "Dabi..." Tenko muttered something inaudible under his breath. "Hey it'll be fine." I gave him a happy smile. He sighed and cooled himself off. "I would like to examine your scars again before you go I to the water if that's alright Me. (L/n)." Kurogiri called from his bar. I swear that man cleans the wine glasses all day. "Yeah that's fine." I got up and followed Kurogiri to my room since all the medical stuff was in here. "While we are in here I need to tell you something." Kurogiri said in a low voice. He examined my arms and my legs. "Your stomach was the most wounded place on your body. Don't push yourself when it comes to battling people. It will tear the your stomach open." Kurogiri said no emotion in his voice. There were small scars all over my arms and legs. My chest had some scars but my stomach did have the biggest scars and had to have the most stitches. "Thank you for telling me Kurogiri." I sighed. "Though you may not be masters successor anymore you are still a dear person in my heart." Kurogiri finished examining me. "Thank you Kurogiri, your always the best." I hugged him. I'd never really even showed affection to this man so it took him by shock but he hugged me back. "Thank you Mr. (L/n)." I could feel his smile. He left me be and I shut the door. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror on the wall. So many scars. I started to feel bad with how many marks littered my body. I felt tear well in my eyes when I heard a knock and the doorknob turn. I didn't turn to look. I was to busy in my mind. "Baby.." I heard Tenkos voice. He knew what was going three my head. He got behind me and saw him in the mirror. "My neck matches." He tried to lighten my mood. I just traced the scars on my stomach with my finger. Tenko wrapped his arms around my and started kissing my shoulders. He kissed all the way down my arms and brought my face to his. He stood between me and the mirror now. "I would still love to kiss every part of you no matter what." He stared into my eyes. I could feel my tears streaming down my face. He brought me into a close hug and let me cry.


I have some body insecurities so I wanted to write an angst/sorta fluff chapter. Just a reminder your body is beautiful no matter what ❤️

Shigaraki X Male Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora