Part 17

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I woke up early the next morning knowing today we had to focus on the mission Shigaraki had unknowingly signed us up for. He has issues with letting himself stress and work himself to death. I guess that's why master continues to push on him. I got dressed and started breakfast. I was making eggs and bacon when Tomura came up behind me and hugged me. "Careful the bacon pops." I said to him. "Don't care." Is all the words he muttered as he started to kiss my neck. "I'm cooking." I whined. He started to slip my shirt off my shoulder and started leaving marks on my body. I moaned as he made each one in my skin. "Hey woah." And spitting noise followed a voice. I quickly slip my shirt on and flip my head down and continued to cook. "I can't even walk into the kitchen?" Dabi yelled out. "What are you even doing in here?" Shigaraki yelled to him. "Spinner and Twice kicked me out." He replied in a calm tone. "Where did you sleep?" I asked him. "The pullout on your couch." He creaked his neck. Tomura grabbed my face and started making out with me. My face was flushed with such a sudden move. I dropped my spatula and wrapped my arms around him. "Alright alright message sent. Save me some breakfast!" Dabi yelled walking into the laundry room. Tomura pulled away and I just laughed. "Sure you don't wanna continue?" He asked. "I want food first." I replied and kissed it nose. I untangled my limbs from him and picked up my spatula and continued food. "I Can come out now? The moaning and touchy shit stopped right!" Dabi yelled from the laundry room. "Your good." I called to him. I finished breakfast and we all sat down to eat. "Damn this is really good." Dabi told me. "Good I spat in it." Shigaraki remarked. I just laughed. "Sorry I barged in I know my very much mistake." Dabi complained. We finished up and got ready for the mission. Steal and destroy. Dabi, Spinner, Shigaraki, and Magne are gonna destroy the remains of what the cartel own. Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, and me are suppose to steal there stash and anything flashy. Kurogiri of course teleportation past the mine field. Easy in easy out.

*later during the mission*

There was blue flames all around us. Twice and Toga finished up on getting the drugs and I started breaking in to their safe. It was huge and covered by a painting. I heard crushing noises. "They must have fun playing around a destroying things." I said to myself. Pop. The safe unlocked. Inside there's a note. "If you red this fast enough you may save yourself. Duck!" I read. I ducked quickly as a bat swung for my head I flipped my legs over my head to pin the person down. "Fucking bitch!" The man cried out. I quickly look the man in the eyes and take his vision. "Thanks for the gifts." I cheered to him. He started to freak out because he couldn't see. "Code Black. Safe is a no bust." I said into my mic. I grabbed one last expensive looking painting and left. After we got out of the collapsing building Kurogiri wanted to tell sport us back to our rooms so there's less evidence if we're not there. I carried half the drugs back to my room. Everything was shoved in the closet. I changed out of my villain outfit and settled in. "I see you succeeded in you mission." A voice from the computer spoke. Master. It was voice only so he couldn't see me. "Your not hurt so it must've went well." He continued. "Drugs secured and extra artifacts too." I spoke to him. "(L/n) (Y/n) Let's talk one on one. We haven't in a while." I sinisterly giggled. He made my stomach queasy. "Right now as we speak I have people turning Tomura and his team in the rubble. He was to quick to attack and not observe. So this is what he gets." Master explained. "What? How could you do that!" I screamed out. "Don't tell me you went soft. I told you, Shigaraki and you are rivals. You should be glad. I wanna ask you to be my new successor. Shigaraki has failed me too many times." Master said. Are you kidding me? Shigaraki would kill me. "I'll give you a few days to think about it." He reassured me. "I think you'll do great things and take this world full of so called heroes and make the system more beneficial. Signing off." He left. "Yes master." I said in shock. It is true me and Shigaraki were trained to compete with one and other but I always let him win. Master is always the hardest on him. It's because he claims Shigaraki is childish but he uses more brain power than me. He said Shigaraki is gonna be in the rubble shit! I automatically ran to Toga and then Twices room and explained the issue. "We have to get back there! there all gonna die!" Twice cried out. "How we even gonna get there in time?" Toga mentioned. "The area is on the beach as we seen. But they are at the next town over." I stated. Suddenly one of Kurogiris portals formed. Dabi dragged Mr. Compress out. Spinner all beaten up ran through. Then Tomura being dragged my Magne. "Oh shit." Me and twice said simultaneously. "Toga emergency kit in the bathroom. I called to her looking at Tomura and Mr. Compress. Mr Compress had a tear in his leg and his mask was shattered. Tomura need stitches on his arms and legs. Kurogiri helped Toga and Twice with Mr. Compress who laid unconscious. "Fuck!" Tomura cried as I started his stitches. I'm gonna kill master. After I started his stitches and finished them up. Everyone decided to rest and relax. We had two more days at the beach anyway. But what was I gonna do about Shigaraki and Master? I sat staring at the moonlight on our balcony. Tomura was passed out in our bed. Did he know Masters plan? I have a very strong feeling this is gonna end badly. What if he hates me because master chose me? Do I even except this role? What happened if I don't? My mind is racing one million miles per hour and I don't know what to do about it.


I promise I'm going somewhere with this.

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