Part 20 (tw)

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*Shigrakis POV*

(Y/n) was gone with the win. I tried to search but couldn't find him. What he said stung me. Of course I would pick him. Why didn't I say that? I'm such an idiot. I brought my hand back up to my neck and began to scratch again. I could feel the previous scars come open but I didn't care. My head was racing when Kurogiri warped in my room again. "What do you want? Came to tell me how stupid I am?" I shakily sobbed. Kurogiri looked petrified. "Tomura..." he started to say. He never calls me Tomura unless something is incredibly fucked up. "It's l/n)." He handed me a phone with an unknown caller on speaker. "Check the message I just sent you." A familiar voice spoke. It's sounded alot like- no it can't be. I though we killed that bastard. I clicked on the message, it was a picture. It was (y/n), bloody, and chained up. "I'll kill you you fucking bitch!" I yelled at the phone. I started to scratch more. Fuck this is because of me. "You already tried that didn't you?" The voice asked. Risoke. "I sent you a address. I think it's best me, you, and (l/n) have a chat. Just us. You bring anyone else and you precious boyfriend will be dead. Understand?" Risoke shouted threw the phone. "Fine." I coldly stated. "You have two hours." He said. The phone beeped because the call ended. "Some of a bitch!" I sobbed scratching my neck and eyes. "Master Shigaraki." Kurogiri sat us down and stopped me. "This is because of me I fucked up and now he's hurt!" I sobbed. "I have to go now." I yelled getting back up. "What's your plan you can't possibly go without a plan." Kurogiri pushed. "I don't care. I messed up with (y/n) now I need to go fix my mistake." I replied. I took off my gloves and started out the door. I felt blood running down my neck because of the irritation but I didn't care. I promise myself (y/n) will never be in any harm again. I could feel the tears in my eyes. I choose not to listen to my senses. If Risoke wants to play big man then let's see him try. As a headed for the address to save (y/n). 

*(Y/n)s POV* 

I woke up. My body ached. I could feel how bad my injuries are. I looked around. I was chained to the ceiling, no one was guarding me. "Help!" I tried to yell but my voice was too dry. "No use in trying to call for help." Risoke appeared out of no where. "The clock is ticking for Shigaraki to get here. It's already been an hour." He complained. "Go to hell." I spat out some blood that formed in my mouth. "See I like you. Your feisty. I was hoping to kill you first and make Shigaraki watch. But either way it'll be fun for me because either way you'll be dead." He said. I don't know what happened to him but he was completely insane. And I thought we were evil. "Even if I'm dead you'll still be a lousy league of losers." I looked up at him. A strong hand slapped me hard. "You fucking bitch." He yelled at me. "If you lay another finger on him I'll kill you slowly instead of just using my quirk." Shigarakis voiced called out. He appeared right behind Risoke. His hand had four fingers on Risoke neck. "You really think I'll let you succeed?" Risoke remarked. Suddenly Risoke took a knife and started to try to slash Shigaraki. "Fuck!" Shigaraki let out a Yelp as Risoke stabbed through Tomuras forearm. "No!" I cried. Risoke pushed Shigaraki down and kicked him repeatedly. I struggled against my cuffs. My body is weak. Luckily with the building being in ruins I ripped my chains from the wooden bar I was cuffed too. "You leave him alone!" I yelled. Taking the bar and busting it over Risoke head. Risoke turned back. Blood running down his head. Shigaraki took this opportunity to pin him down. "Tomura!" I shouted as he decayed Risokes legs and arms. He stopped there and look at me. "This is your fight. If you wanna finish him off you can." He spoke to me. His eyes saddened as he got off and left the room. I stared at Risoke. He just screamed in agony. "It would be a pity to let you die. But it would be a headache to let you live." I whispered to him. The pain in his face tells me his half dead anyway. "The boss said I was too weak. Am i really to weak?" Risoke desperately cried. I decided to leave him to rot. No one would find him here anyway. His situation remind me of my master. But me and Tenko aren't weak. We are strong and together we are stronger. As I walked out of the ruined building I stare back at it. "What wrong?" Shigaraki asked quietly. "One more thing." I limped over to the door. I took a match box out and sat the building ablaze. "I wanted to this at the beginning." I smiled. "Why?" Tomura asked scarring his neck. "Nothing good came out of this dump anyway." I sadly smiled. A portal formed behind us and Kurogiri and the rest of the league stepped out. "oh my gosh (y/n)!" Toga yelled rushing to my side. "Your pretty cute covered in blood but why are you so bloody?" Toga questioned. "I swear you get more and more dense every day." Dabi commented. "Kurogiri what's this about?" Shigaraki asked him. "I couldn't set back and let you charge into battle. It seems I was severely wrong to misjudge you." Kurogiri sighed. "Arson,that's something I can get behind." Dabi smiled. "Where's Risoke though?" Spinner asked.I just pointed to the burning house in ruins. He seemed to get the hint."H-hey Shigaraki..."I wanted to talk about what had happened. The world started to go black. I felt my head dropping I could move as I fell to ground and blacked out. "(Y/n)!" I heard voices yelling. I felt cold. Am I gonna die?


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