Part 16 🍋

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🍋 lemon chapter

The first day of vacation we were all kinda lazy we were tired from driving all day to our destination. But the next day the chaos was a go. "How did you even convince master to let us have this break?" I asked Tomura. "He may or May not know. I told him we were going on a mission here. There's a drug cartel twinning the city. I figured we could get a business deal made. If that goes through mission success." He said. "What he dosent know wont hurt him."I joked. We got dressed for the beach. I got white swimming trunks on when Tomura entered the bathroom. "Guess what i got us!" He happily revealed two matching button ups. The cheesy dad kind too. "Oh my lord." He died laughing. "Give this to me I will not take this off!" I happily took it. I was all giggly inside. Me and Tomura walked into the lobby to meet with the others in our matching shirts. "I never realized how similar you all are in style." Magne comments. Shigaraki is trying to hold in laughs to maintain his leader reputation. "This is my thirteenth reason." Dabi commented. "Hope your reincarnated to your true form Dabi." I set up my joke. "And what would that be no eyes." He asked sarcastically. "No eyes that's a new one. Not very creative either." Tomura chimed in. "Your true form is a burnt chicken nugget." I announced to the league. "Oh you lit-." Dabi didn't get through his sentence as he chased me down to the beach. The fact we both had to stop and take a break shows how out of shape we both are. "I play video games and watch Spinners live streams I don't work out."I huffed. Dabi just laughed and hugged his hands on his knees. He was in all black. Black shirt and trunks. "Your gonna get hot in all black." I mention to him. "Don't talk about heat to me." He spoke sternly. "Ok..." I drifted over back to Tomura. Toga had dragged Twice and Magne in the water. Spinner and Mr Compress we're sun bathing and the rest of the league set up a volley ball match. "Since we have this time alone, wanna go for a walk on the beach?" Tomura asked me. "Yeah sure." I replied. We began to walk down the beach. "So if I'm correct this is the drug cartels Beach house." Shigaraki spoke. "At first I though you were trying to be romantic." I sighed in disappointment. "I'm sorry. I promise you'll get a big present once we get back to the hotel room." He smirked. "Fine." I replied with flushed cheeks. I took off my sunglasses so I could better observe the area. "No signs of anyone home. No lights, no people, not even a single sole stirs." I used my binoculars to see. We moved closer in approaching the house. It was a red beach house with a balancing and pool attached. It seemed to be crab themed. "Who knew a drug cartel would rest in a place so child like." I commented. "Something is not right." Tomura scratched his neck. Suddenly I saw a line in the sand. "Tomura watch out!" I tackled him. In the background a good sized explosion occurred. "It's land mined and probably booby trapped." I told him. "Fuck."He pointed to a small camera in the corner videoing everything. "Guess we gonna have to go about this a different way." I got up and dusted myself off. We made a quick get away back to a beach. "Now only vacationing for the rest of the day." I grabbed Shigaraks arm. "Fine." He complied. "Hand man. People would like you more if you took a break more often." Twice chimed in. I guess that's one thing both sides of Twice can agree on. Tomura only grunted in response. "Try to for me." I looked at Tomura. "Fine stop giving me that puppy dog look." He groaned. "Let's learn to take a actual break." He commented. We decided we wanted to walk along the beach this time in the opposite direction. The water splashed on our feet as we walked. We held pinkies as we walked so he could take a break from his gloves. We found a drink stand not to far along and decided to refresh ourselves. "I'll take (insert preferred drink here)." I said. "And for you?" The worker points to Tomura. "I'll have a White Russian." He answered. "Really? We went from normal coffee to coffee with alcohol?" I asked him. "It's vacation." He replied handing the worker his card. And by his card I mean the credit card stolen from a certain number two heroes wallet. "How did Dabi get this?" I asked in disbelief. "That dumbass has his way." Tomura said and handed me my drink. We continued walking and playing in the water until the sun was about to set and we were hungry. "Let's text the guys to meet us for dinner." I spoke to Tomura. Shigaraki went ahead and texted everyone to meet us at a nearby pizza place.

* at the mama mia pizsa restuant *(i apologize Italy)

"Man I'm tired." Spinner groaned. "Your tired? Toga and Twice went to there hotel room to sleep! Which is amazing by the way." Dabi commented. "Damn Toga and Twice not being energized balls of destruction? That's a first." Tomura commented. Magne made sure to pack Twice and Toga some pizza as we headed back to the hotel. When we got to our room I immediately took a shower. I took off my wet clothes and hopped in a refreshing, not ocean water, shower. As I was wetting my hair and body I heard the bathroom door open. "Tomura I'm in here!" I yelled to him. He opened the shower curtain. I turned around really quick. "Nice." He commented. "Oh my gosh shut up." I mumbled. "I'll wait in bed love you." he smiled and went into the room. After my shower I dried off and got dressed and went to bed with Shigaraki. "Aw your wearing clothes." He wines upon seeing me. "Your gonna kill me off you keep teasing me like that." I told him as a blush swept onto my face. He grabbed me and proceeded flip me onto my stomach. He tore off my shirt and started to attack the back of my neck with hickies. "I think it's about time I payed you back baby." He said seductively has he took a pair of handcuffs and cuffed my hands behind my back. He flipped me over again this time trailing kissed and bites down my chest, stomach, and then waist. I started to moan with every kiss he got closer. He finally slipped off my pants and started to tease me threw my boxers. "Fuck baby your already so hard for me." He moaned. He licked my dick through my boxers. I couldn't help but thrust my hips up. "Someone is desperate." He smirked and looked at me. My face was bright red and I needed him so badly. "Yes baby please." I tried to resist against the cuffs but found it painful to squirm. He slowly removed my boxers revealing my aching erection. "Please baby I need your touch so bad." I moaned. That was enough to set him off and started bobbing his head up and down. He licked and sucked me. He took my tip and just teased with his tongue. I knew I wasn't going to last long. My breath was starting to get heavy as I thrusted my hips as Tomura was bobbing this head up and down. "I'm cumming." I screamed as I hit my high. After I caught my breath Tomura brought me close to his chest for a second. "You'll need help cleaning up." He giggled. After he helped me clean up I got dressed again we crawled in bed. He curled up next to me and held me close. "I love you baby." He whispered to me, his gloved hand taking mine. "I love you too." I whispered back as we drifted to sleep.


This is the longest chapter in a while and it's a lemon chapter. That's beautiful.

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