Part 18

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(Spoiler on Shigarakis name)

I woke up still on the balcony. I looked at the sun and realized it was morning. I tried to creep into bed but Tomura was already up making breakfast. "French toast okay?" He asked in monotone. "Yeah." I replied shaking. Does he know already? "Don't use your arms too much. You'll tear your stitches." I warned him. He just grunted in response. He was shirtless so I could see all his stitches on his arms. He had twenty seven in total. Mostly on his arms. "Hey baby." I tried to get Tomuras attention. No response. He was distracted. He was in his head again.

*Shigrakis POV*

I stood there trying to process last night. I don't remember much. My body aches from the fight. They had ambushed us. I couldn't help but recognize some of the men though. They looked like masters minions. I must have been going crazy. I was stupid and careless. I have to live up to masters name. I haven't worked myself hard enough. (Y/n)s idea at this vacation is stupid. I realized I started to scratch my stitches in my arms. "Hey." I soft voice interrupted my thinking. (Y/n) wrapped his arms around me, his head trying his best to rest on my shoulder. I froze and realized the purpose of this vacation. It's not just for them it's for me.

*(y/n)s POV*

"Hey." I softly said trying to grab Shigarakis attention. I didn't hear him say anything for a long time. I heard the click of the stove and the. Tomura turned around and brought me into a hug. "I'm sorry for worrying you." He whispered into my ear. I melted into his chest not wanting to let go. I looked up and saw tears run down his face. "Truth is I worry I'll never be good enough. Master doubts me all the time. No one takes me seriously. What if I fail? I don't even think I'm good enough for you." His voiced cracked. He hugged me while he sobbed. I grabbed his face and looked at him. "Your powerful and good enough for me. You'll bring all who crosses your path down. I believe in you Tenko." I said tears forming in my own eyes. "You bring the humanity in me." He smiled. "I want you." I whispered In his ear. He brought me in for a long, deep, passionate kiss. "I want you to call me Tenko when we're alone ok?" He broke away the kiss and asked me. "Okay Tenko." I smiled. We finished breakfast and finished our beach day. On the last day Toga was sad but we were all wore out from the past mission. Luckily we could get back to the hideout and readjust to our daily lives.

*back at the hideout time skip*

I sat playing Mario cart with Twice and Spinner. Us three usually play Mario cart when we are arguing over the last slice of pizza, so just to be playing and having fun is refreshing. I was still thinking about masters decision. Should I let Tenko know? No. I shouldn't except it. I need to stick up for Tenko. "Ha I overtook you (l/n)!" Spinner yelled. We were all so into the game I didn't notice Tenko walking in the room. "Fuck you!" Twice yelled as he got last place. I got second and of course Spinner won. "You should pay attention to my twitch more." He laughed. "Hey guys." Tomura budded know. "Oh hey didn't notice you came in." I smiled at him. He was scratching his neck badly. "We need to talk in my room." Shigaraki sternly stated. "Oh shit someone did something wrong." Twice replied. I got up and I followed Shigaraki. "Tenko-" I started as he shut the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" He yelled. He was pissed. "You we're taking the days to actually have fun and recover so I let you." I scrabbled for my words. "So you weren't gonna tell me about what master did?" He asked furiously. I took off my glasses and started crying. "I-I was I swear!" I shouted back. He started scratching his neck nonstop. "Did you manipulate me I to thinking you loved me just so you could surpass me?" He accused me. "What no of course not I do love you." I sobbed trying to grab his hand but he pushed me back. "Shigaraki, (l/n) stop it this instance." Master voice came from Shigarakis computer. I glared at the screen tears still in my eyes. Shigaraki stopped and stared dead at the screen. "Shigaraki I knew you would take this childishly. That's why (l/n) has always been better than you." Master stated. Shigaraki was outraged by this comment. "All my life you've treated me as second best now you put me first? Why master?" I asked the man on the screen. "(L/n) took your place because your pathetic and weak. Relationships make you weak." Master started shouting. "What?" I yelled out. Look at what you done Tomura. You let someone get close to you and in turn they surpassed you in a instant." Master yelled viciously. Tomura turned his eyes to me. Death stare. "What are you gonna do Tomura?" Master asked teasing him. "T-Tenko." I cried. He ungloved his hand and started to raise his hand at me. I tried to blind him so I could escape but his was wearing the contacts. "Tenko!" I screamed. Master was laughing in the background cheering Tenko on. Suddenly Tenko grabbed his computer monitor and decayed it. I sat there hyperventilating on the floor. "What just happened?"i asked between breaths. "Get out of my head!" Tenko yelled and started scratching his neck very hard. I was breathing to hard to help him. Suddenly Tenko just looked at me. His realization had hit on what Master was trying to do. He grabbed his other glove and then pulled me to him. "Breath with me." He said shakily. He counted back from 20 and helped me breath normally. Once I was calm my head still felt fuzzy but I ended up with me laying on Tenkos chest with his hands in my hair. "I'm glad Mr Compress gifted me these gloves. I loved feeling your hair." Tenko breathed slowly. "Are we gonna talk about what just happened?" I looked up at him sadness in my face. "I really don't want too." He sighed. To break our silence a knock came to the door. I recognized that knock. It was Kurogiri.


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