Part 13

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I decided to get up early and make everyone "congratulations on not getting killed by people crazier than us" pancakes. Luckily if I had learned anything from Kurogiri it was how to cook for me and Tomura. Before I hit up I kissed him on the forehead and went to the bar area. I grabbed the ingredients and pulled out a skillet. "Good morning Kurogiri." I greeted a very sleepy Misty man. "I feel like this is usually the other way." He laughed. "Add some blueberries to thoughs Mr. (L/n), they'll taste better and it'll get some for of nutrients for you all." He instructs. I do as he asked snickering for his concern. "Thank you again for all that you've don't Kurogiri." I smiled as I cooked the pancakes. "It is always my pleasure." He joyfully spoke. Kurogiri was the one who actually helped guide me and Tomura. We met him as masters helper and our care taker before our teen years. I see him more as one of my best friends then a care taker. But then again he treats his whole league like there his children. After I finished pancakes most people had woken up and was ready to dig in. "Congrats on not dying to thoughs psychopaths." I cheered as I place the plate down. "Sick pancakes!" Magne happy said. Tomura had woken up and just hugged me from behind. "I'm glad your okay.I love you." He whispered in my ear. I just enjoyed the good time. "We deserve a vacation after that mission." Dabi stated plopping a pancake on plate. "That wouldn't be too bad of an idea. so many things can go wrong in vacation ." Twice chirped out. We knew what he meant. A vacation might be a thing to consider. "You need to convince hand man to do a league of villains vacation. Somewhere sunny." Spinner whispered to me. "I Can hear you guys even if I'm wrapped around my boyfriend." Tomura mumbles. I mouthed "I will do my best." To Spinner and he seemed satisfied with the response. After we all finished breakfast I helped Kurogiri clean up. "(Y/n) master wishes to speak with you." Tomura came in the room no emotion. I immediately followed Shigaraki back to his computer. Master only wishes to speak with me on occasion. My and Tomura can't mess around because he don't need to know me and Tomura are together. I walked in the room to see on the computer master awaiting me. "Hello (l/n)." He greeted me. "Hello master." I bowed to him. "Shigaraki has told be about the most recent mission attempt." He stated emotionless. "I apologize for not meeting you standards." I apologized. Oh god he's gonna assign us to another mission. "It's okay. But this next mission you can't fuck up." He told us sternly. Both mine and Tomuras eyes remain on the camera. "It won't be for a couple days but I've given Shigaraki the details. We can't afford to mess this one up." He spoke. "Yes sir."me and Tomura say in unison. "Now get out of my face." He ended the call. "Why does he hate me?." I asked sadly. My whole life I've tried to live up to his expectations and I'm never good enough. "He don't hate you." Tomura tried to comfort me. "Yeah but he hell of sure loves to play favorites." I cried out. "I'll never be good enough to be a successor." I sighed. Tomura pulled me into a hug. "You and I both know that's not true. Your combat skills and leadership abilities are better than my mine." He starts. "We have our strengths and weaknesses." Tomura assured me. "Thank you i needed to hear that." I sighed. "Let relax and have a lazy day." I pleaded. "How could I say no to you?" Shigaraki replied and kiss my head. We curled up and played call of duty. "Where's that camper?" I asked Shigaraki. "Left side in the corner." He replied. I was able to take the target out and win us the game. The people in our lobby weren't to happy about it. "Suck my dick bitch." A guy yells over the microphone. "But me a drink first." I shouted into Tomuras mic. We were laughing so hard I thought I was gonna need an Inhaler. Suddenly we heard a heavy knock on the door. "It's me." Dabi yelled out to us. I shrugged and opened the door. Toga and Twice wanna go out clubbing. You up for some late night fun?" He asked. "Hella yeah!" I say as energy comes alive inside of me. "Be ready in 10." I told him. "I don't wanna go!" Tomura whined. "Come on why not?" I asked him. "Because clubs are loud, expensive, and u predictable." He stated. "But fun." I added. "Come on going out with Toga is a lot of fun." I pleaded once more. "Fine." He groaned. "Get dressed." I yelled as I left to get myself ready. I changed out of my pajamas and put on some decent clothes and my favorite pair of glasses. "Tomura you ready?" I asked with excitement as I knocked on his door. He opened his door. "Your lucky I love you or I would stay home and sleep." He said. "Well good thing you love me." I laughed and kissed him. "Come on lover birds. that's disgusting." Twice budded in. I took Tomuras wrist and guided him to the bar area. "Hey Kurogiri I'm pre gaming!" I called to Kurogiri who was sitting on the couch with Spinner. I grabbed a bottle a vodka and poured out two shots. "Cheers." I raised the shot glass to Shigaraki and downed it. "I've never really don't shots before." Tomura admits. "Try one." I encouraged him. He down the shot and coughed a little bit. "Damn." Is all he had to say. "Come on its karaoke night!" Toga says as she drags Dabi down the hallway. "Dude chill. Atleast let me grab one shot with (y/n) before we leave." Dabi replied. I poured him one and smiled with Toga. He down it immediately. "Let go make dumb decisions." Twice said. "Don't get arrested!" Kurogiri called after us. Knowing us we might.


(Sorry content has not been top tier. It will get better I just haven't had a lot of time)

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