Part 1

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*This is when All For One first took you in*

I always though the day I got my quirk would
be the best. If I got a cool quirk the bullying at school would stop and maybe if finally be useful to my parents. I'm only 7 but I have enough of a brain to know my dad don't want nothing to do with me and my mom just goes with whatever he said. But the day I got my quirk was awful. I was told to make eye contact with my father while he was lecturing me. All of a sudden he started freaking out. "I can't see I can't fucking see!" He yelled. "D-dad?" I said. "Why can't I fucking see you damn brat!" He yelled s he swung his arms around like a mad man. He hit me in my head as I fell to the floor. My mom started crying. *Not again* I thought in my head. Dad was pissed and wrecking the place. I ran up to my mom and she got down to my level. "What have you done?" She yelled and grabbed my shoulders. "I don't know" I cried. "Look at me while I'm talking!" She grabbed my face and made me look at her. "I can't see!" She started to yell. Both my parents were now angry and blind. "(Y/n) what the fuck did you do you little brat!" Dad screamed. I pushed my mom away and ran. All the screaming was too much. I ended up in an alley way crying. My head was pounding. "My e-eyes-" I cried realizing what happened. I can never look someone in the eye again. "Why are you crying you one?" A tall scary man asked. "Don't look at my eyes!" I yelled to the man. I curled in a ball as close as I could to the wall behind me. My red shirt and black shorts didn't help hide me. "I understand young one. Come with me you'll be safe." The man said. I covered my eyes with my arm and grabbed the man's hand. "Call me master. I'll take care if you if you listen to what I say." The man said. I just nodded my head in agreement. Eventually we got to a building. "You can look around." Master said. "I-I don't wanna hurt anyone." I told him. "Here." Master said and handed me a pair of glasses with black lenses. "This way you can see others but they can see your eyes." He said. He brought me to a room. In the room there was a little boy around my age with a book. He has red eyes and blue hair every where. "H-hi." I said with a smile. The glasses were nice but everything was dark. "Hi I'm Tomura." He said. "I hope you two get acquainted." Master said and left. "Let's be friends." Tomura smiled. "As long as you don't look at my eyes." I said softly. "I won't look at your eyes if you don't touch my hands." He said. "Deal." I laughed. I think it's gonna be nice here.


I know it's terrible and short but I promise the next chapter is better I just didn't have a lot of energy to put into a backstory.

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