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I couldn't help but frown when I hung up with Reo, he sounded stressed and irritated. I felt bad that he had to deal with so much when it came to his parents, I hoped to show him mines one day so he could see not everyone is like that.

"Everything okay?" My mom asked me and I shrugged.

"Not sure, he sounds stressed." I sighed. "I feel bad, Mom. His mom sounds overbearing and not in a good way and his dad just seems.. I don't know, cold."

"You like him a lot, it would make sense you're protective of his feelings. No matter how old you are, parents always have the knack to affect you."

"Like who?" My dad said when he walked into the kitchen, I smiled wide and ran up to him giving him a big hug. "Hi, Princess." He dropped a kiss on my head. "When did you get in?"

"Hmm like an hour or so ago?"

"And you didn't call me?" He raised a brow at mom and I. Mom laughed while shaking her finger at him.

"Girl time, no boys allowed."

He grunted and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "You staying the weekend?"

I nodded and popped a grape into my mouth. "Wanted to remind you guys why I'm the favorite daughter." I quipped and they laughed. "Do my idiot brothers even visit you?"

"More times than we like sometimes." Mom grumbled and I laughed.

For the rest of the weekend we spent time together, that was one of the things I was grateful for; my dad comes from money but they never raised us to be dependent on it. They were the most humble people I know and they were never afraid of putting people in place should they need it.

We were raised to never throw our wealth around and to never let it rule us. They spoiled us more with love then they did money, which is why I was so weirded out by Reo spending so much money on me. It was so opposite of what I was used to.

I was about to leave my parents and checked my phone for the hundredth time today, since Friday Reo's texts and calls have been less and less. Most times my texts and calls go unanswered.

"I'm sure everything's okay." Mom whispered in my ear during our hug and I squeezed her harder.

Dad hauled me into his famous bear hugs and gave me a kiss on my head. "We'll see you in two weeks for the penguin event."

I nodded. "I'll see you both then. Love you!" I said while walking to my car.

"We love you!" Mom yelled.

"Drive safe, princess!" Dad smiled.

When I arrived at campus, I called Reo expecting him to be bad as well but again, he didn't answer. I grew annoyed and walked to his and Nagi's apartment.

"Nagi!" I yelled when I knocked.

"What?" He grumbled when he opened the door, I smiled and he scoffed. "He's not here."

He plopped on the couch and my brows furrowed. "What do you mean? He said he'd be back by now."

Nagi shrugged and I sighed before sitting next to him. "How was mom guys?" He asked.

"Good, by the way you're coming to this event in two week at the house."

"No." He whined.

"It's for penguins." I smirked and he paused before letting out a curse, I laughed because him & I were too easy when it came to those cute little creatures.


I laughed and we started a movie, about an hour later the door opened and an exhausted looking Reo walked through. When his eyes landed on me they brightened. "Thank God you're here. I tried calling you, baby."

I furrowed my brows and grabbed my phone giving him a sheepish look. "Sorry, I didn't feel it vibrate."

He dropped his bags and walked up to me, picking me up; my arms and legs circled him and he buried his face into my neck, breathing hard. "I missed you." He murmured while walking to his room.

"Missed you too. How was it?"

He lowered us onto he bed and got comfortable on my chest, I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled out his hair tie. "I don't want to talk about it right now.. I just want to take a nap."

I smiled and shook my head. "Take a nap, I'll watch something and wake you up to eat later."

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me.." He said softly sounding like he was on the verge of falling asleep.

I kissed the top of his head. "You are too, Reo."

"I lo-" His sentence ended in gibberish but my eyes widened, was he going to say he loved me?

I tilted my head and looked down at him seeing that he was fast asleep. "I love you, Reo Mikage." I whispered before running my fingers through his hair again. "If or when you're ready to say the words, say them."

I woke him up an hour or so later and he gave me such a sweet smile, I melted.

"Time to get up, lazy." I chuckled and he burrowed more into my chest mumbling something I couldn't catch.

"I have no idea how to speak or understand gibberish." I poked his head.

"I don't want to get up." He said when he turned his head.

After some bribing he finally got up and we were sitting on his dining room table eating pizza.

"So how was it? You seemed busy." I asked him and he shrugged.

"It was alright..."

My brows furrowed, it felt like he was holding back some and I gently pushed him. "But?"

"But what?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, just sounded like you wanted to keep going but stopped."

"Just my typical shit with my parents, they're dumb." He murmured and the feeling he was holding back kept nagging at me. I chose to drop it for now but i'd hope he'd tell me, it felt as if he didn't trust me with it.

"Okay.. if that's all it was."

"Just drop it, okay."

My eyes widened at his tone and I nodded, if he wanted to be a dick about it then fine but I wasn't putting up with shit for no reason.

Deciding to steer away from the conversation with his parents. "Okay. What are you doing the weekend after next?"

I noticed his shoulders slump and the feeling grew. "Not sure, why?"

"My parents have a thing they're doing, was wondering if you wanted to go?" I realized this would have been a perfect opportunity to tell him how my family was but I figured it'd be best to tell him right before and have the fact be proven.

"Oh.. yeah, sounds fun." His tone indicated that it was so far from fun for him and I chuckled softly.

"Reo, honestly you don't have to. I'm just asking, you can say no."

Apparently that wasn't the best thing to say because his brows furrowed. "Do you not want me to meet them?"

My eyes widened at his angry tone and I shook my head. "That's not it, i'd love for you to meet them it's just you didn't sound like you wanted to go. I don't want to force you to go if you don't want to."

His face evened out. "Right. I'm sorry." He sighed and I felt a headache brewing, the emotional whiplash and traveling all day was getting to me. "It's been a weird weekend." He chuckled weird like he was nervous and I almost let out a groan.


He looked into my eyes and my head tilted. "Are we okay?"

He nodded but it wasnt believable. "Yeah, we're okay."

We were in fact not okay, I chucked up our weird conversation as him being tired but throughout the week he practically avoided me. I was so fucking done with the hot and cold shit.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now