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"Reo." My father nodded while making it seem like he wasn't looking past my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and walked past him mumbling a "Father."

"Your mother wants to see you first." He stated before I could make my way up the stairs and I sighed, while looking for my mother I couldn't help but frown. The house was absolute chaos, staff running around like chickens without a head. Chef's yelling in the kitchen, men huffing and puffing while rearranging furniture. I hated this shit.

I could always find her easily during these times because all I had to do was following the voice barking orders like a drill sergeant. "You think this looks good?! What are you? Blind?!" She nearly screamed and I winced for whoever was on the receiving end.

"Apologies ma'am but.. You did say on the phone you wanted these. I have the email confirmation with it as well." The man gently said and I cut in before my mother could go nuclear.


She whirled on me, eyes still blazing and I regretted coming to find her, now that anger will be sent my way.

"Reo." Her tone sickly sweet and I gave her a fake smile. "So glad you could make it." She waved off the man who scurried off and I was jealous of his departure.

"No girl, I see." Her face smug and I sighed.


She sniffed. "I guess family isn't important then." She crossed her arms and I scoffed.

"She'll be with her family so no, I think family is important to her."

"Probably plotting to steal all your money."

"Mother." I growled. "Drop it."

"I will. Give me her name."

I shook my head, my mood sour. "God. You never give up do you?"

"I just wanted to see if you would, no matter. I already have it and a check is being conducted as we speak." She said proudly and my fists clenched.

"You have a lot of nerve. Why can't you just leave it be?" I gritted.

"Because I will decide who will look good for the Mikage image."

For some odd reason her words annoyed me enough to snap and I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Look good for the Mikage image? What? Like you did?"

She gasped, I may have crossed some kind of line but I held strong; I was so fucking done with this shit. I thought they'd be happy, my fucking fault I guess.

"You little shit." She growled. "You know nothing!"

"I know that you were nothing when Father met you. I know that it didn't matter when Grandma and Grandpa didn't approve of you but I stupidly thought it was because your love for each other conquered all. Guess I was wrong." I shrugged and it was her turn to laugh.

"Love? That's what this is about. You love that girl? You're 22 years old Reo. You don't know love." She sneered and I scoffed.

"And you do?" I threw back at her and she shook her head at me like I was a 5 year old, dripping with disappointment.

"One day, you will thank me for this." Was all she said before leaving the room and slamming the door. I made my way upstairs and called y/n, I needed her to ground me before I left and never came back.

"Hey, baby." Her sweet voice filtered through the phone and I sighed.

"Hey, I got in not to long ago and-" I sighed heavily, she chuckled lightly.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now