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AUTHOR NOTE: I used my family as inspiration for this chapter, enjoy the little insight to my life 😂 Enjoy! :)

"Well.. I see everything worked out?" Mom smirked when Reo and I got to the kitchen, we had slept in and I had no idea my family was back.

There were collective groans from my brothers and Dad but the latter had a smile on his face, he walked up to us and shook Reo's hand.

"Welcome to the family."

Reo's swallowed thickly and his eyes portrayed all this emotions. He nodded and cleared his throat. "Thank you.."

Mom was next on embracing him in a tight hug, my brothers followed with their own man hug handshake. He excused himself after and Mom tilted her head in his direction.

I followed him to the back patio and hesitantly spoke. "Reo..?"

He didn't respond but his shoulder shook and I quickly wrapped my arms around his back. I could tell he was trying hard to keep all this in but the feeling was too great.

"Talk to me.. if you want." I whispered.

He took a breath and I loosened my hold when he moved, he turned and wrapped his arms around me; resting his head on top of mines.

"Your family means it." His voice raw and my brows furrowed.

"Means what? That you're apart of our family?"

"Yeah." His voice cracked and he cleared his throat. "They mean it, my parents never meant anything they said to me. Nothing."

My heart broke at his confession and I squeezed him harder. "You have us now." I whispered.

He tilted my head back, his eyes misty. "I love you so much."

I smiled up at him. "I love you too."

"Remember that while we deal with my family.." He grumbled and I chuckled.

"I won't forget."

He kissed me and I held his waist tightly, letting him know that I wouldn't ever let him go. He separated and gave me one last peck before holding my hand and taking me back inside.

After breakfast, Dad sighed. "Might as well get all of this out of the way, huh?"

Mom let out a big breath. "Oh thank God you said something, it's been driving me nuts!" We all chuckled and she shrugged.

"Call Axel in, I want to know what's happening and what the next steps are. We need to be prepared to help Reo." She said and looked towards him with a smile.

Reo squeezed my hand and gave her a heavy nod. "Thank you but you don't need to do that."

She waved him off. "Of course we do. You're family now and we protect our own."

He smiled gratefully at her and I squeezed his hand back and sent him a wink when he looked at me. When Ax walked in Reign piped up.

"Can I shoot the guy who shot me?" He asked and Mom and Dad sent him a glare; while the rest of us laughed.

"I'm just saying-"

"No." My parents said.

"-Tit for tat, ya know." Reign continued like they didn't speak and I laughed loudly, coughing when my parents glare was sent my way. Reign smirked at me and I shrugged.

"What'd you expect? It's Reign." I said.

"Don't say it like it's a bad thing, you hoe bag." Reign grumbled and I threw my wadded up napkin at him, hiding him square in the face.

I laughed. "I'm not a hoe bag, you shit stain." I flipped him off and he scoffed while Rhys and Jax laughed, Mom snickered and Dad groaned.

Before anyone could reply, Ax cleared his throat; amusement dancing in his eyes. "There will be no shooting." He replied.

"Thank you, Axel." Dad sighed.

He nodded. "He's a shit aimer anyways." He said seriously and I couldn't help but bark out another laugh.

"I'm glad you're laughing and smiling now, princess but so help me God you and your brother will be the death of me." Dad groaned and Reign and I shared a smile. "Axel, please continue."

"I tried to show him how to shoot but-" Ax started.

"About Reo, Jesus Christ." Dad cut him off and once again we all laughed, Reo looked around with a lightness in his eyes and he shook his head.

"You all are fucking awesome." His eyes widened like he didn't mean to say it out loud and I bumped my shoulder with his.

"Fuck yeah we are."

Mom clapped. "Okay, serious time. What's going on?"

Ax took a seat at the end of the table and pulled out a folder. "So good news is that Reo was able to get it on recording that his mom had a hand in this. The bad news is, it wasn't her decision, she was just desperate enough to go along with it."

Reo sighed and dropped his head. "It was my Father, huh?" He asked grimly and Ax nodded.

"Yeah, so in order to have them both in the same boat, you'll need to meet with him too."

"Great.." He grumbled.

"I have to ask, what do you expect from all of this? Or more importantly, what will you do with this information?" Ax asked and we all froze while Reo stiffened.

"I-" He cleared his throat. "I don't know.. Mikage is a huge last name, I think even being broke they would still be let off Scott free but.. I just want them to learn from their mistakes. If that makes sense?"

Ax nodded. "It does, so what I gather is you don't want to send them to jail."

Reo shook his head looking sheepish. "Uh.. No. I'm sorry." He said to the table and my parents and Reign waved him off.

"We understand, don't worry." Mom said.

"We'll go with whatever you decide." Dad added on.

"I want them to know that they fucked up and pay for it but.. they're still my parents and I hate that I still feel for them." He gritted out and I squeezed his hand again.

"You don't have to explain." Mom smiled.

"Can I please use the whole 'you shot me' sob story to really drive the stake in?" Reign whined and Reo smiled with a nod.

"Please do."

"Stop interrupting you little shit." Dad said and I rolled my lips between my teeth and Reign scoffed.

"The next steps is to see what we can get out of your Father, should be relatively easy if you wave money in his face like you did your mom." Ax said.

"And if he doesn't go for it?" Reo questioned.

"Then we bring out the big guns." Dad said and pointed at himself. "Me." He smirked.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now