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"Dude who are you texting? Or did you receive a naked pic?" Nagi questioned and I flinched, thinking of what y/n must think of me after seeing that text from Maddy. Nagi saw my reaction and furrowed his brows.

"Okaaay, not a naked pic?"

"Not a naked pic." I responded.

"Then why did you go from smiling to wincing like I ran over your dog?" His words were mumbled because his head was buried in the pillow.

"Y/n was putting her contact into my phone today and Maddy texted me at the same time.." I said and he looked bored. "With a picture." His eyes widened then he laughed.

"Shut up, Nagi." I grumbled and smacked the back of his head.

"Why would it matter?" He questioned, I froze and started to panic. How do you explain to your best friend that you have weird feelings towards his cousin after only just meeting her without sounding like a creep?

"Shit." He cursed when he saw my face. "You're attracted to my cousin, aren't you?"

I grimaced and hesitantly nodded. "I feel weird saying yes but yes? Maybe?"

"I knew you would." He laughed and my eyes snapped to his. "She's literally your dream girl so I figured you'd have a thing for her." I reared back hearing the words 'dream girl' but remembered our conversation one night after too many drinks and we described our dream woman. He's right, she was exactly what I described, his reaction gave me hope that maybe he doesn't care if I pursue something with her.

"But.. you know she has a boyfriend, right?" He said and my hope was dug out of my chest with a spoon.

"No, I had no idea. Who is he?" I asked confused, I didn't see any guy around her today except for Isagi but she said they were best friends.

"Remember Kira Ryosuke?" He asked and my fists clenched, that fucking guy?

"Yeah, the snake asshole who plays dirty on the field?" I gritted and he nodded snapping his fingers and pointing at me.


"How the hell does she end up with him?"

"I have no idea, all of a sudden she was single then dating him." He shrugged, I realized asking Nagi was a waste of time, he doesn't know what going on with anyone must of the time.

I nodded and continued my homework, this was a good thing. Maybe knowing she's got a boyfriend will keep these weird feelings from growing. I finished my work and sighed when I saw that Nagi was asleep, must be nice being a genius on and off the field, I thought with a roll of my eyes. I ordered us food, got his ass up and we ate while watching TV. Later on that night while I scrolled through my instagram, I found her profile. My thumb hovered over the follow button for a few seconds before I said fuck it and requested to follow her. Immediately I locked my phone, my heart was racing and I cursed. "Get your shit together, Reo." I groaned out loud. I fell asleep not to long after, dreams of a laugh and bright eyes haunted me. I woke up seeing an instagram notification saying she approved me and followed me back, I smiled and walked towards the bathroom with a pep in my step.

"Let's go, lazy." I told Nagi when I was ready to leave.

"Why are you in a rush?" He grumbled but got up regardless.

"I want coffee." He perked right up, passing me through the front door.

When we arrived at the coffee shop there was a line and I groaned. Slowly we inched our way towards the counter and when it was our turn to order and I wanted to weep. The barista was laying it on thick when we arrived and Nagi's snickers were starting to annoy me. Usually i'd be all over it but this morning I had one thing on my mind, coffee.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now