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I'm a fucking idiot, I needed to get my emotions in check because this was just ridiculous. 'You didn't ruin it' I let out a watery laugh and a few people turned to look at me weird. Of course I should have known I wouldn't have ruined his night. He probably turned around and went back to bed with the woman purring in the background and fucked her. My heart clenched and a tear ran down my cheek thinking about it.

I knocked on Rin's door, hoping he was home from the diner because I desperately needed a bath and alcohol. He opened it and his brows furrowed. "You look like shit." After the past day and a half, Rin and I had gotten extremely close; if it wasn't for him I think I would have broke apart at the seams.

I barked out a laugh and walked through the door. "Thank you, I'm about to look like a wet shit because I need alcohol and a bath."

"It's 11AM.." I glared at him and he nodded and went to the kitchen. "You can go start it, I'll make you something strong." He waved me in the direction of the bathroom and I let out a grateful smile.

I sat on the edge of the ridiculous tub letting the warm flow through my fingers while I fiddled with the temperature. A knock on the door turned my attention to Rin who gave me a barely there smile.

"Here." He passed me a cup and I grabbed it with a thanks and took a sip.

"Damn. Well if soccer doesn't work out for you, bartending is definitely your thing." I said with my eyes wide.

He let out a huff that I assumed was a laugh. "Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head with a sigh. "No.. not really. I kinda just want to forget about it honestly."

He hummed and nodded towards my hand. "Hence the drink."

I smiled. "Hence the drink."

He stared at me for a few seconds and my smile slowly slipped off when he crouched in front of me and held my jaw. I let out a tiny gasp at the contact and his lip tilted up. "If you weren't his, i'd show you how amazing you are." He murmured, his eyes held me captive and I breathlessly said. "I'm not his.."

He smirked. "It wouldn't be right, it would just make your mind more chaotic."

"Or help me get over it." I whispered.

He leaned in slowly and I held my breath, when he stopped and I slowly let it out. "Just one." I whispered.

"One what?"

"Kiss.. Please." My eyes dropped from his eyes to his lips.

I closed my eyes when I realized how desperate I sounded and was about to take it back when my eyes snapped open again. His other hand came up to frame my face and I let out a shuddering breath. "Rin..?"

His lips slammed into mines and his tongue thrust into my mouth. My arms circled around his neck when his hands drifted down to my waist. He stood and lifted me into his arms, he squeezed my ass and I let out a moan. He turned and placed me on the bathroom counter and opened my legs to stand between them. He kissed like he played soccer, sure of himself and he dominated my mouth like the field. It was one of the hottest kisses I ever had but.. it wasn't right.

He separated our lips and rested his forehead against mines, he let out a deep breath. "So which one was it?" He asked referring to our conversation, I knew what he meant; did I forget or did it become more chaotic?

"Neither.." I shook my head and leaned against the mirror. He still stood between my legs and his hands still held my hips.

"I should take offense to that." He smirked and I laughed.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Where stories live. Discover now