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You ever stop to take a breath and realize time has flown by? That's how it felt being with Reo, for a man who was so adamant about not being in a relationship; he's damn good at it.

"Go to practice." I laughed while tapping his hands that are currently resting on my stomach. I leaned back against his chest and tipped my head back. "You're going to be late."

"I'm going.." He grumbled then leaned down to capture my lips. When he deepened the kiss I broke apart and laughed.

"Go." I pointed to the door and he mumbled under this breath. "I'll see you after, I swear." I teased and he huffed.

"Nagi wanted us to come out with him tonight to this party." He said while packing his bag.

I shrugged. "I'll go if you want to." He paused his movements and looked at me with a raised brow. "What?"

"You're okay with going to a party?" He questioned and I chuckled.

"Yeah? I used to be a party animal before you locked me down." I winked and he shook his head.

"Okay, party animal. We'll see how I feel after practice." He mused and I nodded, he gave me another one of his kisses that makes me want to drag him to bed. "I'll see you later."

All I could do was mumble back and he chuckled at my dazed face. I made my way to the library to meet Sai and Miko, it's been awhile since I hung out with them and I missed them.

When I arrived, I saw them sitting at a table in the back and made my way over.

"Well hello there Mrs. Mikage." Miko teased and my face heated.

Sai smirked. "I'm only slightly surprised you're not wearing a ring." She mused while holding my left hand and I snatched my hand back playfully.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you guys make it sound like we're an old married couple. It's only been like 2 months." I waved them off and they shared a chuckle.

"Catch me up." I told the duo and we spent the next few hours or so talking about everything that we'd miss.

"You guys want to come to the party tonight? If we go?" I asked them and they nodded. "I missed you guys." I teased.

"You'd see us more if you weren't getting dicked down so much." Sai smirked and I barked out a laugh before covering my mouth.

"It's really good though." I winked at her and she turned red, Miko snorted and we all dissolved into a pile of giggles.

"Ugh." Miko groaned after we calmed down. "I need to get dicked down." She pouted and Sai poked her cheek.

"Maybe if we go to the party, you'll someone for the job." She told her and Miko scrunched up her face.

"I'm not built for one night stands."

"Well yeah, we knew that." Sai and I chuckled. "I meant maybe you'll find someone who sweeps you off your feet or something your hopeless romantic heart craves."

Miko let out a wistful sigh and I shook my head. "Like y/n and Reo." I gave them a look, only receiving teasing smiles back.

Speaking of Reo, it's been awhile and practice was already finished. I pulled out my phone to check if he texted me and my brows furrowed at the one lone message from him.

Reo 💜: With the boys, call you after.

sent 36 minutes ago.

My brows furrowed, he's never done that before. I told myself not to overthink but his text irritated me; he sent it 15 minutes after practice finished when he usually calls me to let me know he'd see me in 10. I guess I was making a face because the girls asked me what was going on.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora