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"Hey, were you just walking with Reo Mikage?" Miko asked me surprised. I looked over my shoulder seeing him walking towards his class.

"Yeah? Why?" I asked and she chuckled, linking her arm in mines she began walking towards our class.

"Because I have never seen Reo walk any girl to class. You must be so special." She smirked and I rolled my eyes, my best friend was always the romantic.

"It's not like that, he has a math class too." I told her, although I was slightly curious about him. When Nagi told me stories about him, he was not what I expected. I didn't expect a gorgeous man with purple hair in a pony tail and beautiful purple eyes to match. His voice was almost hypnotic and I had to physically stop myself from swooning everytime he talked. I was so lost in my head, I didn't realize Miko was talking.

"Hellooooo, earth to y/n?" She said and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

She shook her head. "What I said was, babe, even if he did there's another entrance that's closer to the room he needs to be in, yet he chose to go through this one... with you." She smiled wide and I laughed at her antics, like I said she was a romantic.

"Miko, she has a boyfriend." Sai said while rolling her eyes. 'Holy fuck. Since I met Reo this morning, I forgot I had a boyfriend. This is bad.'

"Bleh. You know I don't like Kira. He has has something about him that--"

"Gives you the ick, yes we know." Sai finished for her with a 'we get it' face.

I sighed, this was an on going conversation that I've had with them for the past 6 months that I had been dating Kira Ryosuke. Miko and Sai both don't like him, Sai was more quiet about it but I knew she felt the same as Miko when she looked at Kira with suspicion. I quit trying to convince them he was a good guy and now I just ignore them when they get onto this conversation.

"I'm just saying" Miko held up a hand. "You and Reo would be so cute together, ugh imagine their babies!" I cringed and Sai laughed.

"First of all, Reo is a huge manwhore and again, she has a boyfriend Miko." She said exasperated.

"Manwhore?" I questioned and they laughed.

"Yeah, I forgot since you're a transfer you don't know. Let's just say he enjoyed the company of females. But never sleeps with them twice only a select few." Sai said and my brows furrowed.

"He didn't seem like one?" I said and she scoffed then paused.

"Wait he didn't try hooking up with you? Or flirting?"

"No? Maybe it's because i'm Nagi's cousin or something." I shrugged.

"Orrrrr maybe he wants to get to know you." Miko smirked and Sai groaned.

"She just said they met today, why are you already shipping them?" She said.

"You can't stop true love." Miko sighed dreamily and I flicked her forehead causing her to yelp.

"Enough, you weirdos." I groaned, for some odd reason hearing about him being a manwhore rubbed me the wrong way. We walked into the class, my eyes zeroed in on my other best friend.

"Isagi!" I yelled and he smiled. "You're back?"

"Got in last night. I didn't call because I was exhausted." He said quickly when he saw my brows furrowing. "So what'd I miss?" He asked us when we all sat.

"Oh nothing." Miko said then let out another dreamy sigh. "Just our girl here having boys following her around like puppies."

"Sai?" Isagi said while biting his lip, I burst out laughing with him joining.

Purple Haze (Reo x Reader - Friends to Lovers Romance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora