A Background on the Sirens of Aerzi

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The sirens of Aerzi are mostly what they sound like: magical beings that live underwater with haunting and hypnotic voices.

But there are some differences/important notes here.

They don't have scales/fins/tails/gills/anything fishy

Once upon a time, there may have been a moment when sirens were merpeople. But not anymore. After living on land amongst humans for generations, due to evolutionary reasons, the magic that transforms legs into tails and whatnot is now nonexistent. Sirens can still breathe underwater much more comfortably than air. But they can breathe in both due to hereditary magic.

There's a huge difference between intentional and unintentional hypnotism

Siren voices will always be hypnotic to humans. It's uncontrollable. However, there is quite a bit of difference between intentional and unintentional hypnotism. Intentional hypnotism is more powerful and dangerous and is also considered a form of magical assault. Intentional hypnotism is typically about a siren forcing another human or siren to do something they do not wish to do. This hypnotism, if the siren is powerful enough, affects both sirens and humans. Unintentional hypnotism is what occurs every time a siren sings. The effects are much less drastic. The humans may simply enter a daydream-like state or show an extreme interest or liking in a song. In some cases, both occur. For Oceania Remembered, several interesting things happen in a live performance. The magic does not transfer through the microphone (technology and magic don't mix!) unless the voice is extremely powerful. Oceania Remembered does have one of those voices, so the tiniest bit of magical, unintentional hypnotism is always in his words when he sings. It is partly why he is so adored by the general public of Alleba.

They need saltwater to survive

Sirens need saltwater to keep their magical voices intact, but they also cannot survive without it. Without saltwater, they go into withdrawal, which can be similar to addictive withdrawals. They may act rashly or just generally crazy. Signs of withdrawal are different for everyone but generally include shaking hands, twitching eyes, headaches, raspy voices, irritability, and increased impulsivity.

Every siren has two eye colors: The color the humans see, and their true color.

The dual eye colors are necessary for blending into human society. Sirens generally have more "exotic" eyes. (More than one color, vivid, and in colors human eyes don't have). An example would be how the Kestral triplets (Uriel, Erica, and Yvonne) have a true eye color of lemon yellow, but to humans, their eyes are disguised as light green. This illusion over eyes is generally uncontrollable unless, of course, your name is Kayden. Kayden voluntarily illusions his eyes brown, to blend in more with society and look less like Harry Potter (The movie version obviously. Kayden's eyes are blue).

Sirens are inhuman. This is important for perspectives.

Some people would consider siren characteristics in a human to be a lack of empathy or possibly even a kind of disorder. Sirens just feel things differently and have a much more clear-cut or less emotional view of the world. It is even possible for some to block out their emotions completely, should they choose.

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