Musical Skates (Christmas Bonus Hiding From Light)

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A/N: The correct answer to All Hail the Eve is E

"Come on, Princess!" Brandon grinned, striding into Luna's office as she shot bolt upright, a handprint on her cheek from where she'd been resting her knuckles. "We're going to the second palace for Christmas, and you are leaving this office."

"But I don't have a-"

"Speech yet, I know." He said gently, spinning her chair around. "But you don't even need it for another two weeks. We're going to take a break."

"Why the second palace?" Luna asked as Brandon pressed a kiss to her temple. "I don't-"

"I want you to see that that place can be filled with light and happiness, despite all of the terrible years you spent alone there. Plus, it's closer to Arquillon, and my uncle refuses to travel farther than Glitterendum."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Just tell him Oliver will come here instead, and he'll show up."

"That's unfair, Princess, and you know it. Besides, Oliver and Timothy are already there."

Luna's eyes darted to the floor.

"I don't want to go back there." She whispered quietly, unable to meet Brandon's gaze. "I don't know if I can."

The second palace had been a prison. A guilded prison, sure, but a prison all the same.

Brandon softly kissed her temple. "If you really don't want to, we can relocate to Arquillon. I will convince Oliver and-"

She shook her head, "No. That will be impossible. He said he's never going back there."

"But, my Lady, we have an impasse then." Brandon insisted, his fingers digging into the armrest on the chair, "And I care a lot less about Oliver's stubbornness than your well-being."

"Perhaps we are both being stubborn." Luna admitted. "But I can put my pride aside and cooperate."

"Only if-"

Luna dug her fingers into his shoulder and tugged him down for a kiss. He clutched at the armrest harder so he wouldn't crush her, and activated his fey powers to help him balance... just in case.

"Don't worry, Brandon. I'll go." Luna said softly, threading her fingers through his blonde hair to sweep it off to the side. "I'll be fine."

He eyed her carefully, and beamed when he had determined she meant it. He always put her first like a true gentleman from Victorian times.

Was it any wonder he had captured her heart?

He tilted his head to the side, his green-blue eyes in concentric circles of enamored fey. They always became kaleidoscopic and more enchanting when he was using his powers. As for the enamored bit, well, he only looked at her like that: with eyes so soft and green they might as well have been a blanket of grass in the summer, designed for her comfort and leisure alone.

"Why are you looking at me like that? What'd I do?" He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the edges.

Luna smirked, but it faded with her answer. "Everything, Brandon. You've done everything... and—and I love you all the more for it."

Her face flamed but it was worth it to see the look of shock on his face. It was a bonus that it was accompanied by a gentle blush.

"You flatter me Princess." He mumbled pressing a kiss to her temple. "I love you too. More than I can put into words."


Luna stared at the facade of the second castle. In some respects, she never thought she'd ever return. After being trapped for so long, she expected to move on and avoid it at all costs.

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