Interviews With The Authors 15 - ALCR37

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 a big welcome to ACLR37 our 14th interviewee!!!!!!!!!!!

1)what’s the story behind your username? How did you come up with it? Was it sudden or thought about?

 My username was definitely very random lol. A and L are the first letters of my first and middle names, CR stands for Cristiano Ronaldo (the love of my life haha) and 37 if the numerical equivalent of my birthday. I’m really bad with coming up with usernames and such so I just ended up throwing a bunch of letters and numbers together…not the best way but it works for the most part lol

2)How old were you when you first started writing?

 Oh gosh, I’m pretty sure I started writing for as long as I can remember…definitely since elementary school. English was always my best subject but I had to stop for a while when I got to college since I was so busy, and I just started back up again.

3)What was the first book you can remember writing?

 Hmmm…I’ve never actually written a whole book before. I have dozens with notebooks filled with the stories I’ve started to write that go back to fifth grade, but the story I’m working on now, If We Ever Meet Again, is the first book I’m serious about finishing.

4)Where did the idea’s for If We Ever Meet Again come from?

 Well, I studied abroad in the past and lots of crazy stuff happened there to the point where my friends joked it was like a reality show. When I thought about it more I figured I could use some imagination and turn it into a good story, which is what inspired me to write If We Ever Meet Again. Of course, the romance portion of the story is a bit exaggerated but many of the other events are based on real-life events

5)Do you speak more then one language? If so what else do you speak?

 Yes, I do =) I also speak Chinese and a bit of French…it’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to practice the latter though so I’m super-rusty

6)How did you choose your characters names? Was it random or do they mean something?

Well, there’s different ways I choose character’s names. Some names I just really like and I try to incorporate them into the story. As for the others…you know how sometimes you look at a person and are like, wow, they just look like their name is so-and-so? A lot of my characters (almost all of them, really) are based on real people for the most part, and so I use that method,  , choosing names that I feel fit in with their personality. Either that, or I just straight-up ask some of them what name they like lol

7)What inspired you to start writing?

 Like I said, I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I was a reader before I was a writer though. My mom always loves to tell the story about how when I was young I would go straight for the books and not dolls or whatnot, and when she asked me if I knew what I was reading, I replied, “No, I’m just looking at the pictures.” Anyway, I read a lot and while reading I would think of all these ways the plot can be different etc. and I started putting my own ideas down on paper once I was old enough, and I’ve been writing since =)

8)How does writing make you feel? Is it just something you do for fun or is it something else?

 Writing…well, writing makes me feel so many things lol. It’s a huge, huge part of my life, always has been and always will be. When I’m writing about things I actually care about or want to write about (different from papers for school, which are mostly just annoying) it always makes me feel happy, because it’s something I can do fairly easily and don’t have to work as hard at as some other people. I put a lot of emotion and time into my work though and so whatever I’m putting on paper, or on the computer, is what I feel. If I’m writing something sad, I feel sad. If I’m writing something romantic, it makes me want a boyfriend lol. I do it both for fun because I actually enjoy doing it, but it’s also a great way to put my feelings on paper in a way where I can share it with other people and hopefully make it entertaining at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2011 ⏰

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