Interviews With The Authors 4 - PrettyPolkaDots

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And the next Wattpad author to be interviewed for IWTA is,...


She is the Author of Find Me , A Wrong Turn Into Yesterday, Baby Doll , A Guy Like Her & Mystery Lights

Welcome PrettyPolkaDots, here is your interview!


what’s the story behind your username? How did you come up with it? Was it sudden or thought about?

I used to write under the pen name BLVD Lady and made an account on under that name but something went wrong and the story chapters would post right so I abandoned that account and made another one and needed a name. It was completely random... But it seems to have stuck.

How old were you when you first started writing?

I have always written. My mum used to get really annoyed at me because I would horde all the pens and paper in my room and no one could ever find any. My first actual novel/book that anyone other then myself read, would have been when I was in year 11 (16y. o.) when I started posting my work on a facebook app. 'bathroom wall'

 What was the first book you can remember writing?

It was pathetic. God. It was about a group of people that were on a plane when it crashed onto a deserted island and had to find a way to survive. Some dude got trampled by elephants and died and then a girl told everyone she was pregnant to the dead guy and then in the end they explore the island and find out 'survivor' is being filmed on the island and they get rescued. Actually. In all reality. I could probably sue 'Lost' writers for stealing my idea. Haha.

I wrote that story in year three for an assignment.

Where did the idea’s for A Wrong Turn Into Yestesday & Baby Doll come from?

A Wrong Turn Into Yesterday - I just wanted to try writing a celebrity/normal girl love story

Baby Doll - I got bullied by indignant AWTIY fans into a sequel because they hated the ending. It took me so long to write baby doll, because i didnt really want to do it. it was the most challenging novel ive written.

 How did you choose your characters names?Was it random or do they mean something?

Whatever pops into my head to be honest. Except Olivia. Thats the name of my god daughter and I started AWTIY just after she was born.

 What inspired you to start writing?

I figured I couldn't be any worse then some of the other stories I'd read on Bathroom Wall

 How does writing make you feel?


Is it just something you do for fun or is it something else?

It's an incredible outlet. I kind of get to say what I never have the balls to say in real life. I can totally see myself in all my main characters and the stuff they go through can hit a little close to home for me. So I get to vent and get angry and cry about what I experience through my main characters.

How did you discover Wattpad, Do you remember?                                                                                      Someone took one of my stories from booksie and posted it as their own on here.

What do you enjoy the most about writing?

I do what I want. It's no one elses.

 Do your Family/Friends know about Wattpad, about your stories?                                                            Only recently. And they want to read my novels. *dies*

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