Interviews With The Authors 3 - Reekles

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Welcome to the third Interview, this time its ....


Author of Heels Over Head and The Kissing Booth!!


1.Ok first question, what’s the story behind your username? How did you come up with it? Was it sudden or thought about?

- My username's a nickname my friends came up with, from my surname. It's nothing exciting. It's just something my friends started calling me and I use it for all my website usernames!

2.How old were you when you first started writing?

- I started writing a few years ago properly, but I've loved writing ever since I was little.

3.What was the first book you can remember writing?

- Oh, man, I don't know! I wrote loads of short stories and I wrote a few vampire and witch stories that never came to much. Heels Over Head is my first entire novel.

4. Where did the idea’s for Heels Over Head come from?

- HOH started because... Well i don't remember actually! I just thought that you never see any teacher-student romances around and it was fun to write. There was nothing really that started it, just a thought that I turned into a hobby.

5.How did you choose your characters names? Was it random or do they mean something?

- I just choose random names most of the time. I chose Rhiannon in HOH because it's Welsh, and then I suddenly thought to use Rhino as a nickname. But that's about as far as it goes. Everything's random.

6.What inspired you to start writing?

- Nothing really inspires me to start writing. It's just something I like to do and that comes easily to me. I might hear a song or we'll be talking about something and it sparks off an idea, but nothing truly inspires me.

7.How does writing make you feel? Is it just something you do for fun or is it something else?

- Writing is a hobby but it's a really good escape from everyday stresses and problems too. 

8.How did you discover Wattpad, Do you remember?

- My friend told me about Wattpad last September.

9.What do you enjoy the most about writing?

- I don't know what I enjoy most about writing, really. It's just something I generally love doing and find easy.

10.Do your Family/Friends know about Wattpad, about your stories?

- My friend who introduced me to Wattpad knows about my stories, but she's the only one aside from my family, who didn't know about my stories at all until I told them around December time.

11.What are you working on at the moment?

- I'm still working on Kissing Booth at the moment, and I'm considering a sequel to Heels Over Head.

12.Do you base your stories on things that happen in real life?

- I don't purposely base things in my stories on real life, but I might draw on personal experience when I'm writing.

13.Who is your favourite character?Are they based on someone real?

- My favourite of my characters? I'm going to say Chuck, I think, from HOH. Just because he was such a fun and easygoing character to write and create! And no, he wasn't based on anybody.

14.Do you have a favourite story of yours?

- My favourite story of mine is the Kissing Booth. It's so much fun to write!

15.Do you have a favourite story on wattpad?

- My favourite Wattpad story is possibly Gold Rush or the APR/ASR series. But I love love LOVE The Girl Who Wrote the Dating Manual too.

16.Do you listen to music when you write?

- I always listen to music. In fact, I have Boys Like Girls first album playing right now. I can't NOT listen to music, even when I write.

17.Who is your favourite Wattpad author?What is your favourite story of theirs?

- I think XxSkater2Girl16xX is probs my favourite author on here. I can't pick between Gold Rush and APR/ASR though. They're amazing.

18.What is your favourite genre to read , write about?

- I love reading romance and humour, and always teen fiction! I like writing romance too, it's less complicated than fantasy I find.

19.Do you ever get Writers Block? If so how do you get past it?

- I do get writers block. I'll write a few drafts, delete them, and at some point I'll have written something I find I can carry on with. I don't really have a way of getting though it though.

20.Who is your favourite published author?What is your favourite published book?

- I honestly can't say who my favourite author is. Of course, I'm a fan of Steph Meyer, and I adore the Harry Potter books, but I don't know... I guess I'd have to say the House Of Night series by PC and Kirsten Cast.

21.Would you ever want your work to be published?

- I don't aim to be a published author, I don't see it as a career. But if I did get published, that'd be pretty cool!

22.When faced with a negative comment how do you deal with it?

- I sometimes reply to negative comments, especially if they're saying my story is similar to something or someone else's story. I don't steal ideas and I hate it when people suggest I have. But general negative comments that I shouldn't write something or that they don't like how something is going, I love those kind of things: I make mistakes just like everyone else. I don't mind people telling me at all.

23.When your not reading or writing what can you be found doing?

- I listen to music, go out with my friends, surf the net... And try my best to revise for my exams, haha.

24.Do you have a message for people who are just starting out writing? Or just a message in general?

- Grammar. Spelling. Punctuation. Paragraphing. It's essential to use good English. I cannot read anything that is written in giant paragraphs or has no capital letters or has no punctuation. I just can't read it.

25.Do you consider yourself a good writer? 

- I don't know how good my stories are, but I know my spelling and everything like that is good. I'm a little too modest really, so if you wanted a brutal answer you'd have to ask my readers, haha!

26.Do you look up to anyone on wattpad?

- I look up to XxSkater2Girl16xX and racingheart, since they're amazing writers on here and their stories flow so well.

27.What is your dream/Goal on wattpad?

 - I would love to get to number one on the what's hot list of course, but I don't think that will happen.

28. Do you have any pet peeves about writing styles? Does something really turn you off from a book?

- When people use text language or smiley faces in their writing. Unless they're showing a message or a text as part of the story, I cannot stand them! Only bad English stops me reading. Or if the story moes mechanically - like, 'I got up, I showered, I got dressed.' And there's no hint of the character or their thoughts and feelings.

30.Do you have any shout outs anything you want to say before we finish the interview?

- just... thank you to everyone who's read my stories! xx

Thankyou for your time and your interview Reekles

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