Interviews With The Authors 6 - pinkpeace

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The sixth Interviewee on IWTA is


pinkpeace is the Author of many many poems


Ok first question, what’s the story behind your username? How did you

come up with it? Was it sudden or thought about? I picked pinkpeace because my favorite flower is a rose and there is a beautiful one called pink peace 

How old were you when you first started writing?

I was about 12 I think 

What was the first book you can remember writing?

my first poem was called Angels

Where did the idea’s for your poem Angels come from?

I was in my school cafe when I just came to me

How did you choose your characters names? Was it random or do they

mean something? I don't think this really applies to me

What inspired you to start writing? I always reading poems, so i just starting writing. the first few are not as good, but I learned by doing.

How does writing make you feel? Is it just something you do for fun or

is it something else? Writing for me is kind of a escape from when I need it. I can write based on what I feel at the moment. it's calms me down when I get stressed out

How did you discover Wattpad, Do you remember?

I discovered wattpad on my ipod. I bought the app not knowing what it was, only that there was books on it. And a month later I got an account.

What do you enjoy the most about writing? It allows me to be myself and I know that it doesn't have to be perfect. I can write about anything and everything

Do your Family/Friends know about Wattpad, about your stories?

Yeah they just recently found out. Though none have read my work before.

What are you working on at the moment?

it's about a girl who has to face her ex coming back into her life with a big surprise

How long have you been a member of wattpad?

Since September 2010

Do you base your stories on things that happen in real life?

Yes, it's where my inspiration comes from. Either to me or my friends.

Who is your favourite character? the girl in my poem 'she's too young'

Are they based on someone real?

Kind of. It's about teen peer pressure

Do you have a favourite story of yours? My favorite is 'I always wondered'

Do you have a favourite story on wattpad?

I have quite a few. But 'Some Cuts Don't Heal' and 'Dinner With A Vampire' are my top ones.

Do you listen to music when you write?

Yes, yes, yes, I live for music <3. I don't know where i would be without it. 

Who is your favourite Wattpad author?

Canse12 and Xxskater2girl16xX

What is your favourite story of theirs?

Canse12- Dinner With A vampire Xxskater2girl16xX- Inject Me Sweetly

What is your favourite genre to read , write about?

I love to read romance and poetry. I write poetry about life.

Do you ever get Writers Block? If so how do you get past it?

Sometimes. Normally only for a little while then something happens that I write about.

Who is your favourite published author?

I like Jay Asher

What is your favourite published book?

As of right now '13 reasons why' by Jay Asher

Would you ever want your work to be published?

I think It would be pretty awesome.

When faced with a negative comment how do you deal with it?

I take in there comment and better myself.

When your not reading or writing what can you be found doing?

Listening to music, doing homework, or facebook... boring but it's my life

Do you have a message for people who are just starting out writing? Or

just a message in general? Just write even though you might think it sucks, someone somewhere would love it.

Do you consider yourself a good writer? Do you look up to anyone on wattpad?

I don't really know if I'm a good writer. I try to be though. I look up to a lot of the writers on wattpad. It take courage to up your work up for the world to see.  

What is your dream/Goal on wattpad?

Being under 100 on the what's hot list.

Do you have any pet peeves about writing styles? Does something really

turn you off from a book?

If the story is very choppy. I don't like if a story goes from one place to another real quick

Do you have any shout outs anything you want to say before we finish

the interview?  Hey to all the people I met on facebook when wattpad when out. To Hay and Awesome Aussie =D and to the facebook group 'Bored Wattpadders' for being such an awesome crew. Coming up with nicknames for each other and my entertainment for the day most of the time. Check it out if you get a chance you won't regret it ;)

Thanks Soo Much pinkpeace

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