Interviews With The Authors 2 - LovelyAnastasia

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: _SkySailor

The next interview is........*the theme song for Jaws starts playing


here is her interview!!


Ok first question, what’s the story behind your username? How did you

come up with it? Was it sudden or thought about? ~ I think Anastasia is a cool name, but they didn't have that, so I added LovelyAnastasia, and I thought of it when I was thinking of characters for my book.

How old were you when you first started writing? ~ I was 13 probably.

What was the first book you can remember writing? ~ Sanctuary. I still have it, and I like the storyline, though it need A LOT of editing. 

Where did the idea’s for Heavenly Refuge come from? ~ I was listening to music, and a really sad song came on, and I thought about real life situation -unlike my paranormal works. And I thought: What if you knew when you would die? But it had to be realistic, right? So I thought of cancer. And that's how it started!

How did you choose your characters names? Was it random or do they

mean something? ~ Usually, I just choose them, because they're unusual or I like them.

What inspired you to start writing? ~ The reason was probably because I couldn't find anything that interested me. I mean, when I started writing, I felt that... (sorry for sounding weird) passion.

How does writing make you feel? Is it just something you do for fun or

is it something else? ~ I think it's for my imagination. There's all these pictures going on in that brain of mine, and I want to get them out, because they just repeat over and over again. It makes me feel happy that I'm able to share my works with others, and make them see my imagination.

How did you discover Wattpad, Do you remember? ~ I saw it on a friends profile page on facebook, and I wondered what wattpad was so I checked it out, and I absolutely love it!!

What do you enjoy the most about writing? ~ Probably romance and paranormal kind of stuff. Not vampire and werewolf, though. I think those are kind of redundant.

Do your Family/Friends know about Wattpad, about your stories? ~ Yeah, a lot of my friends read my stories on wattpad. One time, my friend made an account just to comment on my stories.

What are you working on at the moment? ~ I'm working on three books right now, and right this moment, I'm working on Heavenly Refuge.

How long have you been a member of wattpad? ~ I think a month, now :)

Do you base your stories on things that happen in real life? ~ Not really, because I have my imagination to help me with that, but maybe I'll try that...

Who is your favourite character? ~ It's most likely, Aurora in Do You Really Believe In Me?

Are they based on someone real? ~ Nope. I came up with her with my ol' noodle.

Do you have a favourite story of yours? ~ Hm... I like all my stories equally cause all of their plots just make me want to read it all and Lord knows I love good plots in stories.

Do you have a favourite story on wattpad? ~ I love Masquerade by warriormaidenxxx, but she won't upload X(

Do you listen to music when you write? ~ Yes!!! I can't live without music! Much less write without it!!

Who is your favourite Wattpad author? ~ Racingheart. Her stories are awesome and she's funny. You have to admire a hilarious personality.

What is your favourite story of theirs? ~ The Billion Dollar Girl. That book is REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!

What is your favourite genre to read , write about? ~ Romance. I'm just that sappy lovey-dovey type of girl

Do you ever get Writers Block? If so how do you get past it? ~ Doesn't everybody? I usually just leave the book alone and focus on something else until it randomly pops back into my brain.

Who is your favourite published author? ~ I read too many books with too many authors to remember them, so... idk.

What is your favourite published book? ~ Same answer as above.

Would you ever want your work to be published? ~ YES!!! I would think that anybody who writes books would want that.

When faced with a negative comment how do you deal with it? ~ I ignore it or delete it if it really bugs me. And when I do, I scream "DIE YOU HORRID COMMENT!!! BEGONE!"

When your not reading or writing what can you be found doing? ~ ......... uh......... that's all I usually do.... O.o

Do you have a message for people who are just starting out writing? Or

just a message in general? ~ Yes.... wait, I forgot... nevermind.

Do you consider yourself a good writer? Do you look up to anyone on wattpad?What is your dream/Goal on wattpad? ~ If it doesn't sound too vain, I think I'm a pretty good kick-butt writer. I don't look up to anyone really, I think of them as awesome writers, but I'm not the type of person to say "You saved my writing, because of your awesome writing, thank you soo much!!" Yeah... not me. And my goal on wattpad is to get a lot of people to read my books. 

Do you have any pet peeves about writing styles? Does something really

turn you off from a book? ~ I don't like it when people use a apostraphe ( ' ) instead of the ( " ) that is meant for the writing. And It's a real turnoff when you switch topics all of a sudden. Very random.

Do you have any shout outs? anything you want to say before we finish

the interview? ~ Hm... as the cows say: EAT MORE CHIKEN!!!!

Thankyou Lovely Anastasia for your brilliant interview!

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