Boxing Our Worst Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"I was supposed to help you. To watch over you!" It said, pain clear in it's voice. "It was all I ever wanted to do! It was my purpose. But you..." It trailed off, and then kicked him in the chest. "YOU!-"

As (Y/N) fought to regain breath, it screamed at him, trying to explain it's pain and hatred for him. as best it could. "It was too much! Too much at once! I didn't know what to do. I didn't know!" It screeched.

(Y/N) grit his teeth, he knew that now, of course he did, what he did to that spirit was unforgivable. Forcing it to feel, forcing it to in a way, exist. Expecting it to help him just because he told it to, and then punishing it for not obeying him when he needed it most.

"I know..." (Y/N) said. "I know. I'm so-"  (Y/N) was slammed lengthways into one of the nearby walls of a mausoleum. As he connected with it, all the air was shaken out of (Y/N)'s lungs. Tears welled up in his eyes.

As he fell to the ground, holding his chest and wheezing, the shadow loomed over him, taunting him, "You know? You know do you? I wasn't meant to feel, I wasn't meant to suffer, or fear, or hurt! But you made me, and you...know? You know nothing!"

"THAT WAS THE POINT!" It stomped on his chest so hard (Y/N) actually felt his ribs break. "You didn't know that pain, that suffering, that worry. That anger! Because you forced it onto me! You don't know!"

"In fact, I know things that you don't, secrets that would tear you apart boy, I know what happened to your mother, I know why she chose to abandon you and this world, and I know the darkness she tried to fight against,"

"I know it runs deeper then the queen of the night. I know all your secrets, and all of hers-" "Do you know how to SHUT UP!" (Y/N) screamed back through the pain and the hot tears in his eyes, he kicked up at the creature.

It caught his leg and smiled down at him. "I haven't talked in years, I enjoy it, and (Y/N) please, we know each other better than anyone else on the planet, I know every move you'll make, don't try to fight me, you know what will happen." "You will lose." (Y/N) retorted.

The shadow just frowned at him, lifting him from the ground like it was holding a fish it caught "No, you will die, and then, I'll find all your friends and kill them. The satyrs in the city, that was my idea. Reminded you of Grover didn't it?" It smiled at him, almost proud.

(Y/N) grit his teeth. The shadow interrupted him, "Yes, get angry, that was the point. I'm taking everything from you, even your confidence, I'm going to beat you to death at your best!" It threw him aside, he landed on the ground and rose to his feet as it gloated.

"You were right to fear me all these years, the monster you kept locked away. I'm the one monster you can't kill, the one thing you can never escape. I watched you fight, I helped you fight, but now I'm free, there's nothing stopping me teaching you why you were right to fear me!"

"I let you live this long so that you could spread the good word. So your friends would be just as afraid of me as you are. But now you've broken your old man's seal on the scythe, we don't need you anymore really, I mean, we have me now."

(Y/N) took the time to heal himself, the shadow did not stop him, keen to let him recover so it could cause as much pain as possible. "We?" He caught, the shadow nodded, "Yes, the witch and the sleeping one promised me what I wanted. If I retrieve the scythe-"

"You know why Circe wants it don't you?" (Y/N) said, it chuckled, "Of course I do! She's going to use it to separate me from her, to tear me away and then I'll fade away...gone, gone, gone," "So why would you help her!" (Y/N) shouted as best he could.

"Because I don't care. I'm like you, I always was. I want what you want. Vengeance." It looked at him manically, "I'm going to kill you! Nobody else has been able to do it, nobody else could kill you like I could. Only I have the right!" It shouted as it plunged forward toward him.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now