Chapter Fifthteen

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Today was the day of the exams. I grabbed my equipment that I would need leaving both my swords behind thinking that I wouldn't be needing them. I didn't want to carry a lot of weight incase I had to make an fast escape. I soon meet up with the rest of my team who was standing outside of the room waiting.

I left the place and went to building where the exam would be at. We got here a little earlier than everyone else. It gave us enough time to judge the other teams and to find a space big enough that we wouldn't have to stand too close to each other.

A couple of hours passed before the test even started. It turned out that it was a writing test and the goal of the thing was not to cheat but to cheat and not get caught 5 time. I Which sounded pretty easy to me if I would say so.

I was sitting beside the sand person with the symbol love on his forehead. Yukio was sitting at the front of the room beside Naruto and Celia was sitting beside the person that had the cute white fluffy puppy.I sighed having a feeling that we wasn't going to make it past this test.

I couldn't believe that my life was in the hands of them two. I knew Celia was coming up with way to kill me and Yukio was going to go along with anything that she does because he wants to prove to her that he doesn't have any feeling for me. I thought my life was going to be easy but it turned out it wouldn't be.

The test had just started as I looked down at the paper. "Hey Mia you wanna help me." I smirked as I glanced to my side to Shou to see that he had a completely confused face at what the test was even talking about.

"Why would I help you. Your suppose to be my enemy Shou." I whispered back barely moving my lips as I tried not to get caught.

I looked back down at the paper letting my hair fall forward around my face so that it would block it from view. I focused charka into my hands forming a small glass mirror. I closed my eyes trying to focus more charka into it for another second so that it would last longer.

Next I moved my arm like I was about it raise it with a pencil so that I could start writing but instead I dropped it out of my hands letting it fall to the floor. I watched as the pencil rolled over to Shou chair just like I planed. A smirk appeared on my face as I reached down to grab it at the same time that Shou did. My hand barely touched his but I passed the mirror onto him.

With our heads still close together I whispered something to him. "Get the answers then find a way to give them to me. This is the only time I'm helping you." I sat back into my chair as I turned a icy glare at him.

"Don't touch me." I hissed at him as I put on a show for the people who was watching the two of use.

"Like I would want to." He hissed back.

I turned away from him as I stared at the test once again. I had doubt that he was going to keep his side of the deal or if he would even be able to get the answers but I did my part. So I knew that I was going to have to figure out another way to do it.

I felt a small shiver run down my back as I felt wind come out of nowhere. I looked around to see if anyone else felt it but I couldn't tell if they had or not. I looked back at my paper to see something small beside it. I opened the small note to see that it had the answers along with a nice special note.

Don't fail us or you're the one to blame. Here's the answers. I'm only helping you because I have to.


I smirked as I quickly copied what was on the piece of paper. I looked up to see that their was only 5 minutes left on the test. I didn't realize how fast the time had went by.

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