Chapter Twenty-Five

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Celia POV

I knew that she wouldn't be able to stop me. I never showed anyone this move after I learned it. She doesn't even know that I learned it.

"Pressure Damage." I shouted as I put all my chakra into it.

I knew there was no way that Mia would be able to avoid this attack. There was no way around it and she wasn't strong enough to block it. I knew that Mia was really only a weak little girl.

"Dance Of Death."

A pained scream ripped through my lips as I felt like my blood started to boil in my veins. I didn't know what this was. It felt like I was cooking from the inside out.

I didn't even know that Mia knew an attack like this. I didn't think she had something that would be just as strong as my jutsu. Another pain filled scream ripped from my lips.

I heard my name being called from somewhere. I could no longer tell what was happening around me, as I fall to the ground. I wrapped my arms around my body but it only made it feel worse. I was bing cooked from the inside out.

I knew dust was blocking the view of what happened. I heard another scream that didn't sound like me. I knew that my attack had hit her making her small smile appear on my lips.

"Make it stop!" I screamed out in pain wanting it to stop. "Make it stop!"

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