Chapter 13: Best of Friends, Best of Duelists

Start from the beginning

Giltia the Knight
1850 ATK/1500 DEF

"How's that for starters?" Tristan said with a whistle.
"Giltia, attack!" Joey ordered. "Soul Spear Assault!"
With a howl, the knight charged, disarming Celtic Guardian and slashing him across the chest.
"Your Celtic Guardian's been creamed! I warned ya, Yugi, I'm not gonna pull any punches!"
"Joey's not messing around." Tristan said. "He's already taken the lead."
"Don't forget though, Tristan, there's a long way to go." Bakura warned. "Anyone can score an early lead in a duel, but few can keep that lead for the entire match."
Rain crossed her arms. "Even with the lead, Yugi's proven time again how capable he is of turning the match around. Don't forget what happened with Mai. Plus, when it comes down to it, Yugi's just a more experienced duelist. Take Joey's last play for example: he may have dealt a hard blow, but now Giltia is completely open on the field. If he were dueling Pegasus, that would be a fatal mistake."

Yugi 1550LP/Joey 2000LP

Yugi looked at his hand before looking up. "Time out, Joey."
"Time out?" The blonde shouted.
"Ever since we arrived on this island, I've done my very best to teach you everything that I know. Now, you must put everything you've learned into play. Think strategically. You cannot afford any mistakes."
"Mistakes?" Joey repeated. "I don't get it. What are you sayin', Yuge? That I've already done something wrong? It's only been one turn so far."
Other Yugi crossed his arms. "What I'm saying, Joey, is that in a duel of this magnitude, every single move you make is crucial. One false step, and it can cost you everything you've worked so hard for."
"I got it." Joey growled. "Every move I make here has gotta be right on the dot."
"That's right, because here, no one lets a mistake go unpunished. Not Pegasus, and not me."
Joey smirked. "Okay, time in! Gimme your best shot, pal!"
"I intend to. Go, Gaia, the Fierce Knight!"
One of Yugi's strongest monsters burst onto the field, the horse rearing up with a whinny.

Gaia, the Fierce Knight
2300 ATK/2100 DEF

"Attack!" Other Yugi commanded as Gaia charged, his lancing piercing through Giltia and evening the score. "Giltia the Knight is no more!"
Joey smiled as his lifepoints dropped. "You sure took it to me there, Yuge. Good move. Now, let's see what ol' Joey can come up with!"

Yugi 1550LP/Joey 1550LP

Joey drew and placed a card in defense mode. "There, Armored Lizard."
The cybernetic reptile rose up with a growl, kneeling and arms crossed.

Armored Lizard
1500 ATK/1200 DEF

"What's he playing that throwaway monster for?" Tristan asked as Bakura shrugged.
"Who knows? Perhaps Joey hasn't learned as much as we thought."
"Come on, Yuge." Joey said with a smirk. "It's your turn now."

Yugi 1550LP/Joey 1550LP

"I'll play this: Summoned Skull!"
The fearsome skulled creature appeared beside Gaia, hissing.

Summoned Skull
2500 ATK/1200 DEF

"Lightning Strike!"
A bolt of lightning came crashing down on Armored Lizard, blasting it to bits. However, Joey remained unfazed. As Bakura and Tristan discussed whether or not Joey was in denial, Rain held her chin. Joey didn't seem the type to crack under pressure, especially in a duel against his best friend, so why play so recklessly?
"He's setting something up." (Y/N) said as her vessel nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I think so too. Joey is way too sure of himself to not have something planned. Plus, he knows Yugi's well enough not to make plays like that."

Yugi 1550LP/Joey 1550LP

Joey drew. "Sorry, bud, but I was hopin' you were gonna throw down that Summoned Skull card. I needed him out for my strategy to work, a strategy that has zero mistakes, I might add."
"Those are famous last words, Joey." Rain warned out loud.
"Come on, Rain! Don't just take my work for it, see for yourself! Okay, Yugi, first I'll play this in attack mode."
Flame Swordsman rose up onto the field, notably weaker than both of Yugi's monsters.

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