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¡Errors Ahead!
Shoyo's POV

I must have been overthinking since my head hurt when I woke up and I felt confused. I panicked when I sensed unusual surroundings; even the natural cool breeze felt strange to me. However, it's a little odd that I'm feeling at ease, like if my pains and frustration had vanished.

Where am i?

I then suddenly had that memory come to me. That voice was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

I closed my eyes and took in my surroundings. Without a certain, I was in a room, but whose room was it?

When I considered those terrible things happening again, I became terrified. I shouldn't trust anyone except myself, they'll surely take advantage of me. I sob when i remember the only person i trusted the most, the person who suffered a lot because of me. My yaya.

Just thinking about my difficult experiences made my heart heavy, and I could feel the bitterness. I just want to cease everything to stop the suffering because I'm sick of being a burden to everyone. My eyes were tearing up, thinking how different my life might be if my family only loved me.

When the door opens, my tears stop, and I start to tremble. Yes, I'm tired of living, but being weak makes me more drained.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, seeing 3(three) men enter the room.

"Answer me! Who are you?!"

"Baby.." The older one said as he come near the bed i'm currently in.

"P-please don't hurt me..I-i'm begging you..."

"Shh... I promise you we won't hurt you" a soft voice I heard speak as he hold my hands.

I tried to get away from him but his hold was too tight. Like he's scared i'll vanish just Infront of him.

"D-do you promise not too hurt me..?" I asked still somewhat hopefully after all the broken promises i've recieved from countless people.

"We promise baby. Over our dead body i'll let anything happen to you again." The deep voice I heard first when I open my eyes spoke with anger lace in his voice.

But what did he mean by again? Does he know my parents? And why do they keep calling me "baby" that's not my name.

"Please stop calling me baby.. I'm Shoyo my name is Shoyo not baby.." I spoke to correct their mistakes.

But in return I heard the somewhat 2 boy that look older to the other one chuckle. While he laugh horrendously while holding his stomach.

"I said my name so you guys should too." I was surprised by my action as this is the first time i spoke like this too someone.

"oh..right." Then finally they are done laughing and chuckling at me.

"I'm sachio, baby." The older one said I was about to speak when the other one spoke.

"I'm Ushijima, piccollo but you can call me Ushi just for you." He said as he smile softly.

"And i'm Daichi, princess. From now on you can call us Kuya, okay?" He said as touched my cheek.

"Where are we?"

They suddenly became silent when I asked that. I don't know but I feel like I wouldn't want to know where I am now.

"I want to go home..." My heart is once more filled with sadness, causing me too frown. "I will go home....because maybe maybe then my parents won't be too angry with me."

My tears flowed, it's crazy to think that I'm still like that, hoping even though it's very impossible that my parents won't be mad at me. But I'm still their son, right?

My tears stopped as my heart pounded when I felt the strong and terrifying aura inside. I held my ear tightly because I could hear the voice of that demonic man.

'I will kill you!'

"N-No! B-Brother...Brother he's going to kill me...please save me!" Hearing the devil's laugh made me cry, I didn't know what was happening and I just realized my own fear and trembling on one side.

I felt a big arm trying to hug me but I quickly hit it so it wouldn't touch me.

"That's enough! Please have mercy, I don't want to!" I continue to hit it.

I heard commotion around, someone was calling but my hearing was not focused on that but on the voice I was hearing in my brain.

They're bad! They'll kill me like what that demon wants me!

"Shh... you're safe, you're safe, my love. Shh..." I was weakened by what i heard.

My body looked like a wilted vegetable leaning against a handsome body. I can't figure out how my system gradually calmed down, that voice gradually disappeared from my brain.

Suddenly, I felt the soft bed on my back and the gradual suppression of sleepiness. I seem to have come from the battle because I'm so tired, the gentle voice of the man I don't know who is currently caressing my hair added even more.

My system was alarmed as he was about to let go, I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him.

"D-Don't leave me.. please.." I said scared he'd leave my side.

I heard him curse, I don't know why but my eyes watered. I feel like he doesn't want to be here with me, am I that ugly?

He must have sensed my tears, which is why he hugged and comforted me again. What is this? Why do I feel safe in a man's arms?

"I won't my love, I will never leave your side..." I was reassured and felt his small kisses on my face, even my cold tears were kissed and kissed.

"You're safe with me, my love, you're safe with us. Sleep tight."

Chapter Unedited

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