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3rd Person Pov

"Well? Any Updates?" The man who seemingly in his mid 40's asked with impatient. They have been searching for 12 years and they're still stuck at the clue that the other side is involved.

He noticed his boss irritated voice so he coughed getting the attention of the 3 men in black. They were in daze. They don't know how to convey this information to their boss. This information would cause a big ruckus that would make the underworld in chaos.

'Goddamn why is he extra irritated this days' The man besides his boss thought as he clenched his jaw in anger. There would be bloodbath if they keep coming back with nothing in hand.

'Oh for fuck sake please any tiny bit of information would do' He sighs for a hundred times this day. He's starting to stressed himself again. He didn't get to sleep these past few days as his boss assigned him on finding his treasure. The treasure that has been missing for nearly 12 years.

"Yes boss we've got some new information about them and your treasure" The man said snapping out of his trance. He didn't wanna get killed yet so he talked with so much respect in his voice.

"Go on." The man in his mid 40's named Sachio speaks with authority and now interested in this new information. He was a don of a mafia I must say.

'Thank fvcking God' The man sighed in his head. He didn't wanna interrupt anything and be killed by his own boss. Oh he could not risk that.

"It seems like they will be helding the annual auction this week and they sent out an invitation. Especially for you Boss." The man in the middle said with his eyes looking straight to Sachio. He didn't dare to look away or he would be killed in an instant.

"Hmm.." He hummed signaling for the 3 men to continue with their report.

"The auction would take place at [Location] They specially invited some of the elites & specifically sent you an VVIP card" The man stopped talking for a while to hear any thoughts about this information. And they prayed that they just continued and not stop for his boss reaction.

"Ha, Those fvcking bastards is getting more and more brave don't they?" He clenched his jaw. He knew what kind of auction would be happening and he fvcking hates it. He hated human trafficking to the bones. As a don he did a lot of illegal stuff's but he did not stood so low as to do human trafficking.

These years Omegas are now rare almost only 10% of the population have their 2nd gender as an Omega with the Alpha being 40% in the population and the Beta getting 50% of it.

"Aaron." Sachio called out his right hand. The man who was sighing in his mind just a second ago.

"Yes Boss?" Aaron was fast to attend at his order he knew full well how his boss mind works now for serving him for more than a decade.

"Book a flight ticket. We're flying there." He said with so much irritation. He didn't dare to hide it anymore. He has been working all week and haven't got an ounce of sleep and those bastards just add a new pile of work. God. He want to kill someone.

"Continue." He said as he signaled the 3 men to continue their report so he could continue the remaining paper works in his office.

"According to the Lin Clan, the men involved in the kidnapping of the Young Master will also attend the auction." The men said in a somewhat shaky voice. He knows full well when not to speaks and when to speaks. And this is the dreadful time when no one should interrupt the train of thoughts in his Boss mind.

"Repeat what you just said. LOUDLY!" He was angry. No. He was enraged. His son. His youngest son. Was kidnapped when he was just barely 6. His son was a beautiful and a perfect Omega. Yes the treasure that they have been talking about for an hour now was his precious son.

They've been searching and finding clues about his son for 12 years only to find that the other side is involved in this hypocrisy. His treasure. No. Their treasure.

"Immediately. Immediately call the boys in here!" He shouted. He couldn't care less on how unreal he looks now. All he could think is killing the bastards who dared kidnap his treasure.

After a long wave of silence. You could hear a lot of thump making it's way towards this room. Then the door open revealing 6 tall men.

"Hey Dad." The eldest said before anyone else.

"Sit down." Their father said in an authorized voice. They could hear a hint of anger in his voice. So they decided to just shut up and listen to their father's word.

"What's up? What's with this tension?" The youngest as of now asked lifting his one eyebrows.

"We've got lead about your frère's kidnapper." He said with a glint of anger in his voice.

"WHAT!?" They shouted in unison. They couldn't believe it after 12 years they finally got a new lead. They missed their bundle of joy so much they would cry just by remembering him.

"Where are they?" The eldest asked he was clearly angry. Infact all of them we're. They wanted to crush all those bastards for what they did.

"I'm fvcking killing them." His brother added. Oh how their hands itch just by the thought of killing those bastards. They would pay twice the pain they caused them.

"You can. But not now. We still have to do some questioning." A wave of groans can be heard as their father finished his sentence. They know that but knowing how those bastards live while their bundle of joy was nowhere to be found. They don't even know if he's still breathing or not.

"We'll be flying early tomorrow morning so pack up." Their father added and just nodded in return they do not have the energy to even asked where they're going. Hell they don't even have the energy to even walk out of the room. But they have one thing in mind. They'll fvcking torture those bastards who dared to kidnapped the youngest.


[frère - Brother]
[chapter edited]

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