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"Crap, crap, Crap!" I run down the sidewalk while checking my phone. I'm way too late already. A bump on my shoulder makes me look up. An elderly man looks at me angrily and shakes his head. "I'm Sorry!" I call after him while I keep walking. Apparently I bumped into him. My first day will start with being late. Great prerequisite, it's one of my most important jobs ever.

I arrive at the back door completely disheveled the concert hall. 10 minutes late. If this still pass as reasonably punctual? Why this city is so confusing! "Wait. You are?" a broad man Apparently security is stopping me. "Sarah Hayes. I'm the new stylist." Security looks at me suspiciously. Has someone maybe used it as an excuse to join the band? "I also have a letter here somewhere that can prove that." My bag is a mess. I rummage around quite a while because I just can't find the letter. "It's okay," he raises his hand reassuringly. "I believe you. But don't you make trouble." by his still suspicious look at me, he definitely counts on it.

Maybe I would have him right down the road should ask. The location is way too big. Where the heck is the backstage area? "May I help you?" I turn around, startled. stands behind me a young handsome man. "I...erm...actually looking for the backstage area." "Ah cool. I actually have to go there too. Just come with me." We walk for a while through the huge building, until I finally found a door that said "Backstage" recognize. Without knocking, opens the young man the door.
He doesn't look like would he be part of the staff. For that stings he out too much. He disappears through the door and shortly after I dare to go through. A completely different world awaits me behind it.
A crowd of people runs from the left to the right with clothes, make-up cases or bags of food in their hands. Was so turbulent never at any of my jobs. Normally I'm used to looking after a client alone work. This is completely new territory for me. "Excuse me?" I speak to a woman walking past me with a Starbucks bag. And ignored me "Hello. I'm the new stylist. Could you..." the man with the microphones doesn't seem to hear me either. Or he ignores me on purpose.

Looking for the young man from earlier I look around the big room. Far too many people. My heart starts faster to beat and I realize that I'm losing courage. Maybe I should just go back. This world is probably not for me after all and I've expected too much from myself. The moment I decide to go back through the door home, a woman with a headset speaks to me. "You must be the new one. Sarah, right?" I breathe out relieved. "Where are you from, if I may ask?" Her gaze falls on my slightly tanned skin. "Miami. I just moved here." "You can speak Korean very well considering that you are from America." "I was interested in languages ​​as a teenager and Korean seemed like a good challenge. It's not perfect though." "It will be enough. Please come with me. I will show you where and with who you will work in the future." She briefly says something into her headset that I don't understand, before she makes her way through the throng of people. I follow her excitedly.

As we walk past busy employees, the woman with the headset, I assume she's the coordinator, conjures up a clipboard and presses it in my hand. "Everything you need to know is on here. General information, map of the cloakroom and Make-up stations, dates, etc.", she looks over her shoulder. "The concert is in a week instead of. So familiarize yourself with everything here." "The concert is only in a week?" I look around me and am amazed at the effort which is already in operation. She stops in front of me with a skeptical look. "You're not in America anymore, Miss Hayes. This is Korea and concerts are on a different scale here. It takes preparation and enough time for rehearsals," she points to the clipboard in my hand again and leaves without another word further.

We approach a corner of the sofa where some young men are sitting, talking loudly and laughing. And there's that woman with the Starbucks bag again. "Ahh, Felix!" The person addressed looks up briefly as he wants to pass us to grab one of the coffee mugs. The coordinator stops him and points at me. "This is Sarah Hayes, the new stylist. Could you please introduce the others?" Without waiting for an answer from him, she turns her attention back to me. "You will be in charge of styling Felix and Bang Chan. Please no mistakes." And with that she leaves me. "Hi. I'm Felix. Shall we?" What the... that voice! How can he have such a deep voice and look so innocent at the same time?! Without paying attention to my astonished facial expression, he walks with me to the corner of the sofa and the apparently other band members.

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