-Building Up-

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After Rocket took Amy into the Galaxy, He was still to keep his promise to Lyyla that he would teach the Human of his ways and how he makes it out in the Galaxy, He was gonna keep true to his promise, After Amy fled with Rocket and Groot out into the cosmos and experienced a taste of life out in the Galaxy and what it has to offer, Rocket eventually decided it was time to begin teaching her how to defend herself.

He took her to a planet called Berhert, A forest inhabited planet, When they landed the Badger took Amy as Groot followed them to the top of a mountain, The view was beautiful with all the forests in the open, along with a gentle breeze, Amy and Groot were each sitting on 2 rocks while Rocket was standing.

"Ya know, After I met Groot, And we escaped from the Kree, From time to time ever since I would come here, To rewire my skills and regrow my mental stability... Learn new stuff... I always preferred an environment like this becau-" Rocket was explaining to Amy before she interrupted him by giggling having Rocket turn to her.

"...What's so funny?" Rocket asked her.

"Nothing, *Chuckle* I just think you preferring a planet that's jam-packed with forests makes a lot of sense since the fact you're a Ra-" She was telling Rocket but stopped when Rocket gave her an expression of displeasure and annoyance when she was about to call him a Raccoon again which he despises being called.

"...Sorry." She apologized while blushing.

Rocket then brushed it off.

"...I dig environments like this because it provides me something... Beneficial." Rocket told her.

Both were now looking at each other while silent.

"...You hear that?... Tell me what you hear?" Rocket then asked her as he placed his hand over his ear while it twitched a bit.

Amy listened to the surroundings and ambiance around her, The sounds of nature.

"...Nothing." Amy answered Rocket.

"Exactly." Rocket said while throwing his arms up.

"No annoying ass people no loud cities no dicks telling you what to do, Just nothing but peace, And quiet... And I love, Every, Single, Second of it..." Rocket explained to her.

"It reminds me so much of home." Amy said.

"Yeah? Well, This is even more beautiful than that forest back on earth, Because girl you are not in Montana anymore." Rocket told her with a smile.

Amy then smiled back.

"...Amy the main reason I brought you here, Is if you wanna make it out here in the Galaxy, Your gonna have to build yourself up from out of the ground to the top." Rocket explained to her.

Amy responded with an expression of confusion.

"...Ok, I admit that was a pretty weak explanation but you should get what I'm trying to say." Rocket told her.

"So what you mean is, It's time for me to-" Amy was saying until he spoke.

"Work on yourself, Yea... I'm not always gonna be there by your side Amy, No matter how much I want to, Which is why it's imperative we now work on your skills of defense and kicking ass, Ever since what happened back on Earth between you and your dad when me and Groot were there, And especially when I saw how you tackled him, It told me that your skills in combat in asskicking need a lot of work." Rocket explained to her smiling.

"And maybe in the meantime... I can also learn some new things myself..." Rocket told her.

Amy nodded in agreement and accepted that she had to go down this path.

Amy And The Guardians: Vol 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant