Once her name is called, Pyrrha snap back to awareness once more.

Pyrrha: "Oh, yes."

Pyrrha then walk up to Penny, laying a hand on her shoulder and quietly comment to her.

Pyrrha: "I'm sure you'll make the right choice."

Her choice of words confuses Ruby and Ciel while, Y/N's eyes widen, not because of her remark, but also because he senses Pyrrha's semblance being used. 

Y/N: ("What the hell...?")

In her distracted state, Pyrrha accidentally jolts Penny's systems with her Ferrokinesis. Penny begins to stutter and suffer movement lag, prompting concern from her friends and Ciel.

Ruby: "Penny?"

Ciel: "Is something the matter?"

Recovering from that, Penny quickly covers up what just happened, giving a confused frown.

Penny: "Uh... I deduce that I'm feeling... what's the word... oh, yes... sick. I'm feeling... sick."

Ciel: "Well, why didn't you say so? Let's go."

Immediately, Ciel grab her arm, doing her best to drag Penny away to get some bed rest. 

Penny: "Bye, my friends!"

Ruby, Y/N, and Pyrrha waved them off both confused and concerned. Once the two Atlas students are out of sight, Ruby quickly turn to Pyrrha.

Ruby: "Pyrrha, is something wrong?"

Pyrrha: "H-Huh?" What do you mean?"

Ruby: "Well, you've been spacing out a lot."

Pyrrha look at Ruby and Y/N, especially Y/N, considering he and she know all about the Maidens and that she has to eventually make a choice to be the next Fall Maiden or not. Realizing that she's been staring at him a lot more than necessary, she quickly looks to Ruby, giving a small smile.

Pyrrha: "Oh, It's just that there's a lot in mind at the moment."

Y/N: "You sure?"

Pyrrha quickly nod to them.

Pyrrha: "Positive."

The sound of the stadium speakers gains their attention as Port begins to speak out. 

Port: "Alright then! Time for the next match!"

 Suddenly, Ruby becomes excited as she clasps her hands together.

Ruby: "Oh my gosh, that's right! Come on, guys!"

Ruby quickly dashes to their seats, while Y/N glances over Pyrrha, her eyes drifting away. Y/N caught her attention by placing a hand on her head and proceeding to headpat her, trying to ease her mind. Pyrrha slowly calm down a bit only for her to shove his hand away, looking back at him.

Pyrrha: "W-We should head back with the others..."

Y/N: "Sure..."

In awkward silence, the two walk back to their seats before Y/N breaks that silence.

Y/N: "It's your decision to make, Pyrrha. I trust your judgment. No matter what choice you make in the end, I'm with you one hundred percent."

Pyrrha slowly turn her head to look at Y/N, giving him a small smile.

Pyrrha: "I'm glad... that I have someone to talk about this sort of... thing."

Y/N: "Well, they did tell us to keep it a secret."

Pyrrha: "Which is why I'm glad you and I are in this together."

After a moment of pause, Pyrrha adds on. 

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