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Regret was an understatement to how Otis felt the morning after he'd stupidly decided to break off his relationship with Riley. He was angry, at himself, for being such an idiot and potentially ruining the best thing that had ever happened to him.

He was scared. He felt numb, and not just from the lack of sensation in his legs but from the lack of Riley by his side. But most of all he felt empty, like a part of him was missing and it was all his fault. He never should have let Riley go, never should have decided the future of their relationship without talking to her about it properly first. And because he'd done that, because he'd jumped the gun and not given Riley any choice in the matter, he'd broken her heart and there was probably nothing he could ever do to fix that.

The ring Otis had so selfishly taken off Riley's finger, probably shattering her heart as he did, still lay in his hand as he hadn't had the courage to put it down since he took it back yesterday. Looking down at it just filled him with nothing but pain and misery but he knew he deserved it. He deserved every single ounce of pain and regret that he felt... But Riley didn't and he knew well that the pain he felt was probably nothing compared to the pain she currently going through.

"You better have a damn good explanation for what you did." Came the rather angry sounding voice of Herrmann as he barged into Otis's room, making him clasp his hand shut so he didn't see the ring. But by the way Herrmann's nostrils were flaring and the redness on his face, it appeared as though Riley had already told him everything.


"No, you're gonna shut up and you're gonna listen to me." Herrmann said sternly as he came to the side of Otis's bed, his hands landing on the bars that ran alongside it and he gripped them so tight his knuckles went white. "Now I know what you're going through is tough and I can't imagine how scary it must be for you... But that girl is the best thing that has ever happened to you and if you think for a second that I'm gonna allow you to go and break her heart like that... You gotta another thing coming."

"Okay, easy there, Herrmann." Chief Grissom said as he entered the room, him being the last person Otis would have ever expected to see. "Give the guy a break... He's just been shot."

Herrmann just sighed to himself, beginning to wonder why he'd called on Chief Grissom for help when he was just gonna shut him down like that. But perhaps it was for the best as he'd maybe been a little too harsh there without meaning it, but he couldn't help it, not with the memory of Riley crying into his chest coming flooding back when he saw Otis's face. And the ring in his hand before he clasped it shut.

"Brian... Carl Grissom." Grissom introduced himself, deciding to opt for the good cop routine since Herrmann went down the bad cop route. "We didn't have a chance to properly meet the other day."

"I know who you are." Otis exhaled, feeling the sharpness of the ring in his hand once again digging into his palms. "Ri- I've heard all about you." He added, deciding not to say Riley's name least it break his heart anymore.

"Well I'm flattered." Grissom replied blankly, not at all appearing flattered before he quickly spoke again. "Look, it may not be any of my business and I don't often get involved in the relationships of others but... Don't you think you took a little too much of a drastic step in breaking off your engagement?"

"You wouldn't understand." Otis mumbled, wishing the two of them would go away and leave him to be miserable in peace instead of reminding him of the worst moment in his life. And yes he was including getting shot in that as letting Riley go hurt worse than that.

"Try us." Herrmann said, nodding his head once as if to motion for Otis to tell them.

Otis sighed, his grip on the ring easing a little as the last thing he wanted was for it to cut into his skin and end up covered in blood. He looked down at his hand, lingering for a moment before his eyes shifted up to Grissom and then over to Herrmann, both of whom waited patiently for his answer. But it appeared as though Otis didn't want to speak anymore, so instead he ended up listening.

A Slow Burn // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek // Chicago Fire ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu