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Moving from a rather small apartment to what they still described as a mansion was like a dream for Otis, and Cruz too, who'd also been invited to move in with them because Riley just couldn't bring herself to break up Crotis.

"Are you sure you want me there? Because I have no problem finding myself another place." Cruz said for the fifth time that day as the three of them moved around the apartment packing stuff up.

"Yes, I'm sure." Riley replied, rolling her eyes a little as she wrapped Otis' Viper Helmet in bubble wrap, carefully placing it in a box.

"We're both sure." Otis added, being less organised with his packing and just tossing a bunch of random crap from a drawer into an unlabelled box, earning a frown from Riley.

"I'm warning both of you now though, if you're messy I'm kicking your asses back out." She pointed towards the two of them, speaking firmly as she hated a messy house. It was bad enough that there were pet toys lying about the place, she didn't need anything else added into the mix.

"We are not messy." Cruz said defensively, watching as Riley folded her arms and raised her eyebrow a little.

"I've seen your locker, Cruz, and it speaks for itself." She scoffed out, turning back to packing up the rest of the little corner of the apartment she was in.

The rest of their packing morning went rather quickly, well for Otis and Cruz it did. They just didn't seem to care what they were chucking into boxes, most of which were labelled 'random crap'... which didn't instil Riley with much confidence that her new roommates were, in fact, tidy.

Soon enough the boxes were loaded onto the back of Casey's truck, which he'd kindly lent them so they didn't need to rent a moving van, and they were on their way to Riley's. Eventually they pulled into her driveway, that was rarely used as she normally just parked out on the street, which is why the huge entrance gates creaked rather loudly as they opened.

"Moving into Wolf Manor, who would have thought?" Cruz mumbled to himself as he stepped out of the truck, gazing up at the house in a way you'd see in movies or TV shows when families moved into a new place.

Opening the large door to Riley's, or rather the 'Crotisly' Manor as it would later be referred to, they were immediately greeted by the dogs, and little Lucifer who was meowing away like crazy.

"I really hope he grows to like me, I don't want to get smacked when I walk past him every day." Cruz said, looking warily at Lucifer who was trying to crawl up Otis' leg to demand chin scratches.

"Unlikely." Was all Riley said, chuckling a little as she set a box down on the coffee table, one of the ones labelled 'random crap', before she unlocked the sliding doors to the back garden and opened them, allowing the dogs to immediately run out and dive into the pool.

"Which room is mine?" Cruz asked, reentering the house with a box full of his clothes.

"Ah, follow me." Riley gestured to the stairs and both the guys followed her up, Otis carrying his own box of clothes that he'd drop into Riley's room on the way past, at least he figured they'd be sharing a room, she didn't exactly specify.

"Here we are." Riley opened the door to Cruz's new bedroom and his jaw practically dropped. It was almost double the size of his previous room, with a huge king size bed in the middle. One side had a walk in closet and the other had a door that he figured led to an en-suite, something he'd never had before.

"I love rich people." Cruz said in awe, making Riley chuckle a little as he stepped into the room, dropping the box on the floor to admire his new living space.

"We'll leave you to get settled in." Riley said a little louder, but it seemed as though Cruz wasn't listening as he'd just fallen backwards onto the bed and was humming softly to himself about it being like a fluffy cloud. "Come on, let's give him a moment."

A Slow Burn // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek // Chicago Fire ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat