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Riley was particularly glad to be back on Truck come next shift. Not that she didn't mind working on the ambulance with Sylvie, it's just that she was eager to get back into action. That and she missed being with her Truck boys.

And she'd also missed Leonardo the past two days, who'd gone to stay with Mouch until he brought him back into the firehouse to spend the shift with them again.

"There he is." Riley said excitedly as Mouch entered the room, Leonardo in his arms who he quickly set down onto the floor.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said this thing was huge." Gabby chuckled, crouching down next to Riley so she could greet the temporary member of firehouse fifty-one. Given that she was off sick last shift, Gabby hadn't exactly met Leonardo yet.

"Herrmann and I managed to track down the RV after last shift. The driver and presumably the owner of our little friend is one Jeremy Green of Denver, Colorado." Mouch pulled a wallet from his pocket, throwing it onto the table for those sitting at it to see.

"Did you track him down?" Riley asked as she scratched gently on little Leonardo's head.

"We're trying. We found a number in Denver and we left some messages but apparently he's not checking them while he's on the road." Mouch replied with a small sigh.

"There's no other contact information in here?" Sylvie said, taking the wallet from Otis before her eyebrows knitted together a little as she looked at the ID inside. "Hey, Riley, isn't this our John Doe from last shift?" She tossed Riley the wallet as she straightened.

"Oh, yeah." Riley nodded, the man on the ID being the spitting image of the one they'd found in the corn bed. "We found him unconscious from diabetic shock. He didn't have an ID on him." She added with a tone that said 'obviously' as she held up the wallet before tossing it back onto the table.

"You know, that garden was only, like, a quarter mile away from the RV. He probably felt his blood sugar getting low, and he pulled over. Got disoriented and wandered off. That's how he ended up in the corn." Sylvie explained, the theory making sense to those in the room as they seemed to nod their heads in agreement.

"We should call Med and give them the news." Riley suggested, although she made no attempt at calling them herself. Instead she sat crosslegged in the middle of the common room so she could keep petting Leonardo.

"He seems to like you." Otis said quietly as he crouched down facing Riley, lightly grazing his fingertips over Leonardo's shell.

"I guess I just have that effect on animals." Riley shrugged a little, soon feeling the heat rise to her cheeks when her fingers accidentally brushed against Otis'. The two of them acting like complete love struck idiots over that gentle touch, which didn't go unnoticed by the others who were just looking at them with smirks on their faces.

But thankfully for both Otis and Riley, the moment was soon disturbed by Sylvie who'd just got off the phone with Chicago Med.

"Jeremy Green is still in the hospital. They found a brain bleed he probably sustained in the fall, and they're keeping him sedated and intubated until it clears."

"Do they think he'll make it?" Riley asked as she stood up, the heat on her face finally calming down as she tried to pretend that little moment didn't happen.

A Slow Burn // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek // Chicago Fire ✔️Where stories live. Discover now