03 || LEDGE

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[ warning: this chapter includes a scene with a suicide attempt, incase anyone is sensitive to that topic however it does have a happy ending ]

Those on Truck half expected Riley to have handed in her transfer notice come second shift, their fault obviously, but when they saw her walking towards the firehouse, her bag over her shoulder ready to face the day, they felt a slight wave of relief wash over them.

They hadn't meant to scare her off, or to make her unwelcome. Herrmann just had a slight tendency of not knowing when to close his mouth, and unfortunately that backfired as Riley had heard them, but they were all extremely glad to see her show up again. Otis especially.

Otis had probably never smiled as much as he did as he watched Riley walk towards the firehouse, her bright orange hair once again braided and pinned up out of the way. He wanted to go and talk to her, almost immediately, but he figured he'd give her some time to get settled in and have a cup of coffee before he annoyed her, which hopefully isn't what she'd think when he finally approached her.

"Morning, Wolf." Otis said nervously, sitting down at the common room table, a few seats away from Riley.

"Morning." Riley replied with a smile, her hands wrapped around her mug as she enjoyed the heat from the hot coffee within.

"We, uh, missed you the other night... At Molly's." Otis glanced down at his hands, not wanting her to see the disappointment in his eyes from her not showing up.

But it wasn't hard for her to notice he was, and she felt a little bad but he had to have known there was no way she'd show up. Not after how last shift ended.

"Yeah, sorry about that..." Riley shuffled in her chair, avoiding the eyes of the others that were currently looking at her to see what excuse she would come up with. "I was just a little tired, fancied an early night."

Not the best excuse but it was what they were getting. And by the looks on their faces, the others knew too well that they'd been the reason she hadn't shown up, and they felt somewhat bad about it.

"CFD's annual picnic, ladies and gentlemen..." The Chief's voice caught everyone's attention as he came strolling into the room, a page in his hand which he then pinned onto the bulletin board. "This Saturday... and I expect to see all of you there, even you Severide."

Riley followed the Chiefs finger as he pointed towards Kelly, the obvious frown on the Lieutenant's face told Riley he might not be the biggest fan of the annual picnics, which honestly she wasn't either.

Normally, Riley loved the picnics. There was good food, good laughs and the sun was always shining. But ever since the accident, ever since she... She wasn't looking forward to going, to seeing those who knew what had happened, have them offer her their condolences which she didn't need, nor did she want. All she wanted to do was forget about it and move on, but that was unlikely, and this picnic, it wouldn't make it any easier for her to do that.

"Oh yeah! Best benefit all year!" Cruz cheered happily, the others a lot more excited about the picnic than Riley, or Severide, was.

"We're there when you feed us." Mouch muttered, making the others laugh while Riley just stared into her coffee, trying to come up with some excuse to get out of it.

She could say she had to work, even though the studio was closed this week for renovations... but they didn't know that, wasn't like they were going to check either... Ugh, she knew the guys would ask questions about why she didn't want to go, or would end up talking to someone who knew her and finding out the truth... Finding out what happened... If she hadn't forgot all about the picnic she'd have take an extra month off just to avoid having to go.

A Slow Burn // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek // Chicago Fire ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu