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For the second shift in a row, Riley had been called into the Chief's office the minute she stepped foot into the firehouse. She no doubt expected this time to be about her teaching at the academy again, but to her surprise it was something completely different.

"You wanted to see me, Chief?" Riley said as she knocked the open door, those words becoming somewhat of a catchphrase for her these days.

"Yes, Wolf, come on in." Boden stood from his desk as Riley took a few steps further into his office. "Dawson has called in sick this morning which means we're short a paramedic, would you mind filling in for the time being?"

That was not at all what Riley had expected to hear.

"Of course, Chief. I'd be more than happy to." Riley replied with a smile, finding herself looking forward to getting to work with Sylvie for the shift. It had been a while since she worked on an ambulance so she was happy to fill in.

"Thank you." Boden said relieved, but he hadn't expected Riley to say no. "While you're here, have you given anymore thought to Chief Tiberg's offer?"

Riley bit at her lip a little. It had only been a day or so since the gala, since she finally took the leap to visit her brothers badge at the academy and already she was starting to feel better. From actually seeing the wall, to having Otis there with her, she felt like she was finally ready to take the next step in her career at the CFD.

"I have, Chief and I'd like to do it." Riley said confidently and with a nod which made Boden smile as that had clearly been the answer he was hoping to hear.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Those candidates will be lucky to have you." Boden replied, still smiling and feeling proud of Riley as he always did. She was truly excelling here at fifty-one and he was glad she'd ended up in his house. "I'll let Chief Tiberg know and we can arrange all the details."

"Thank you." Riley nodded once again, flashing another quick smile before she left Boden's office and went to change. Now that she was working on the ambulance she had to swap out her t-shirt for one that said paramedic on it.

And her change in shirt didn't go unnoticed by the others the minute she stepped foot in the common room.

"Uh-oh, who'd you piss off?" Herrmann joked as his eyes clocked the 'paramedic' on the front of Riley's shirt.

"No one, just needed to get away from you Truck guys for a shift." Riley shot back as she stretched out on the sofa, her feet on a now unamused looking Mouch's lap, but it didn't last long before the bells went off.

🔔 Truck 81. Ambulance 61. Vehicle Accident 🔔

"Hey, you're my partner today?" Sylvie seemed excited when she hopped into the ambulance to see Riley in the passenger seat.

"Indeed I am." Riley smiled, the noise of the siren soon filling the cab.

"Awesome, it's about time we got to work together." Sylvie chuckled a little as they pulled out of the firehouse, following the Truck to the scene of the accident.

It looked as though a car had driven into a parked RV, how that even happened, no one really knew. But it wasn't the first time they'd seem something like this and it probably wouldn't be the last either.

Riley hopped from the ambulance, both her and Sylvie opening the back and grabbing what they needed.

"How's he doing?" Riley asked Casey as she approached the car, the door of which had now been taken off.

A Slow Burn // Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek // Chicago Fire ✔️Where stories live. Discover now